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Did you still get the email about the release date at least? I'm curious if they will give you results


MissCleo Wrote:
> Did you still get the email about the release date
> at least? I'm curious if they will give you
> results

I still think he gets an email..


Man that's cold blooded if they give you results and then take them away


Im assuming im not sure though..he'd still get the email but they wouldnt correct his paper until he proves the opposite of what was written ... again im assuming..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 09:10PM by Bilal.


Mate, this sounds like a nightmare... It's possible you reminded this proctor (aka little Hitler) of someone... Like an ex boyfriend or something. If I were you (and truly innocent) I'd contact a lawyer. Its a very serious thing to have your integrity questioned.


stingreye Wrote:
> Having taught a couple classes, I hate to say it
> but the easiest way to spot a cheater is if they
> keep looking at me. Most guilty culprits need to
> be careful they are not being watched so they have
> to look at the teacher/proctor. So for these
> exams, you really should not look at the proctor.
> It does make you look guilty and it is a sign
> teachers/proctors look for when they look for
> cheating. I guarantee that is part of their
> training. I was taught that if someone keeps
> looking then go behind them so they cannot tell
> you are monitoring their behavior. It does not
> mean they are cheating but it is a red flag.

Problem is when a proctor takes an observation: "he was looking at me" and interprets it as "he was cheating".


I sympathize with you; one of the worst feelings in the world is having to face entirely false accusations. And it doesnt help when some d**** have the attitude of "why would they report someone if he didnt cheat", "theres no smoke without fire" bla bla bla.

And in this case , is it a case of someone free to throw around accusations without being punished if found to have lied?

The first step is PCP will investigate the proctors statement AND your response. After that they will decide whether to consider you guilty, in which case you get a statement of allegations, or to consider you not guilty. So you still have time and until you get a formal statement of allegations, you have not been judged guilty.


Question is, would those who receive a mail for PCP investigation, still get email sent to expect results on July 26? I think they do but Id like to ask Fdez.

Definitely worst feeling ever :/ !

