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I am wondering if anyone has heard of someone doing the retabulation and actually having the results reversed or found out that they results got switched or something. I truly believe that my results got messed up or mixed up with another candidates.

I will be paying the $100 anyway even if it is probably a complete waste of money because if it is true that I failed then this is the last thing I will be doing with the CFA.

Well as excited as I was the morning after the CFA exam, I am that much more dissapointed now. I am in complete shock that I did not come close to passing the CFA exam. I scored in band 7. I was under 50% on all of the sections but three and above 70% in only alternatives. I scored between 50-70% on accounting. This means I got ever 13, 14, 15, or 16 out of 24. I honestly felt like I scored atleast an 18, 19, or 20 out of 24 at the worst in this section. I added up all of my bands and the cacluation came up to the best possible score being 71/120 for a 59%. This makes no sense to me because I was consitently scoring over 70% on the mock exams in fact on the Boston CFA Mock I scored 91/120 and I felt like on this actual exam I did great as well. This means that I did worse on the actual exam than I did on the mock exam that I took 2 months before the test. I must have missed every single question that I guessed on and a lot of the questions I thought I got correct. It just doesn't make any sense to me that I missed over 25 questions more than I did on the CFA Mock exam when I got 91/120. I am furious to the fact that I obviously understood the material as evident from my previous mock exam results yet I ended up failing the exam terribly.

I have no clue what to do now, I just can't see myself sacrificing another 500 hours of my life for a third time to just be disappointed. It is evident that I knew the material by passing the CFA mock on the website, the boston society mock exam, and several Schweser mock exams. If it is true that I did truly fail and do this terrible then I believe that the CFA does not come close to actually testing the knowledge of the material and it is more of a complete crapshoot of what they are willing to test on the day of the test and how they can word the exam to try and trick candidates.

I am sorry to hear that..it must be crushing to perform so well in mocks and then to fall short in the actual exam...since you are in band 7 it may really be a complete waste of money to pay the 100 $ for retabulation..dont let CFAI rob us off more money than they already have!..The CFA exam does seem to focus on asking basic questions in a twisted way as opposed to asking complex questions in a simple/realistic way...



That is exactly what I am thinking, I know everyone says it is a waste to do a retabulation if you are in band 10 but I am honestly thinking that they mixed my exam up with someone else's. I do not understand how I could have down so poorly, especially when I left the exam and felt like I had killed it. I don't see how there is anyway that I missed 55 out of 120 questions.

I would like to move on and just put this CFA exam and the last 3 years of wasted time, effort, and sacrifice behind me as well but I will probably just waste the $100 just because if it true then i'm done with anything to do with the CFA forever. The crappy thing is that the retabulation is another 30-60 days of waiting when I should just be moving on.

So I guess my question to everyone:

-Has anyone ever heard of a retabulation ever being overturned and getting a passing grade?
-Has there ever been an incidence of them mixing up the candidate's scantron with someone else's?


STL23, I just submitted for a recalculation, so fingers crossed. I feel the exact same way as you, and I'm praying that I didn't screw my scantron up (would a retab catch that?). For the time being, I'm just going to write off the test as a fail, but I guess its time to start praying for a miracle, b/c I went into this thing giving it 100% of my time and effort so I could pass it the first time, and not sure if I feel like going through it again.

I don't think I could have studied harder or any better than I did before, and my grading distribution seems to be completely out of wack. I actually thought that they sent me the wrong email at first after seeing my distributions. If I failed and my grading distrubutions were across the board, then I wouldn't bother with a retab, but getting 7/10 below 50% and 3/10 in the 50-70% range (with two of those 3 in the large point categories) simply doesn't reflect my knowledge or preparation for the material.

Good luck


I am also just going to submit the retabulation. I e-mailed CFA institute and asked if they possibly could have made a mistake and of course I recieved an automated e-mail in return telling me I could submit a retabulation. I replied asking if they have ever had an instance where they did mess up and switch candidates scantron or something (waiting for reply - i'm sure it will be another automated response.)

Anyway... still wondering:

-Has anyone ever heard of a retabulation ever being overturned and getting a passing grade?
-Has there ever been an incidence of them mixing up the candidate's scantron with someone else's?


if you search back, you'll find this topic comes up every july. IIRC no one has ever switched a fail to a pass -- though I can't say for sure I read all of these threads.


Ok so I looked back at all of the previous threads and it looks like the retabulation is a complete waste of time and money. I also wonder if the CFAI would even actually reverse if they were wrong just to save face.

I'm not talking about being in band 10 and thinking they graded a few questions incorrectly or something, I believe that my exam may have gotten mixed up with another candidate or something.

-Has anyone ever heard of an incidence of the CFAI mixing up a candidates scantron with someone else's?


The blocked out word b/w the www and the com is analyst notes

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 01:44PM by brubaker.


do it.




I'm wondering if you take the practice tests too literally. I use them as more of a learning tool then an actual gauge of what the test is actually like.

CFAI loves to give trap questions. one word here or there can totally reverse the answer you think it is. It's possible you were so confident going into the exam, you didn't read carefully enough and grabbed onto key words and fell into the traps

