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Anybody using pencil in the morning session PASSED?

Just try to confirm pencil is not the issue.

I used pen... (and what a mess I caused crossing things out and writing under and so on)


I used multiple crayola crayons. They have a tendency to smudge, but the colors can really add emphasis where necessary.


I used multiple pencils as well and passed. This is not an issue at all.


I know that NufaN, another poster, used a pencil and passed...


Used pencil and passed myself. But if I was to do it over again I'd use pen. Mainly because I've second guessed myself so much for using pencil (due to the negative influence it could have on graders).....

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 11:52AM by stinvan.


Sigh. Unless you wrote in disappearing ink, no grader will ever care what you wrote your exam with.

What you should do is go out and splurge and buy a pen that you really like and take the exam with that. Spending $20 or $30 on a pen doesn't usually work, but you can justify it for this exam.


pencil as many others, run a search this has been discussed a few times

Mrs Bambi, CFA


for what it's worth, I used pencil last year and failed, and used pen this year and passed.


I used pencil also as I did not have one during the exam - I didn't know that I needed a pen. I was caught in surprise. I passed. I may use a pen next time, because pencil marks tend to get blurred by scratching (when the graders flip the pages).

