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anyone else losing faith in Schweser?

After reading through the CFAI section on a topic and then taking both the CFAI EOC questions and Schweser EOC questions, the CFAI questions are much harder and seem to reiterate certain formulas or concepts again and again. Schweser EOC questions seem elementary after reading through CFAI text. I started at a 50/50 CFAI/Schweser ratio, but as time is progressing I am feeling more confident that study time is best spent on CFAI.

Hard for me to say this considering my buddy passed L3 last year using ONLY schweser so you schweser-only kats can take comfort in that. I just dont trust em for some reason.

I am a big fan of Schweser but Question No. 3 (Liability mimicking) on 2010 Essay Exam makes me wonder if "Schweser text only" is the right approach for Level 3.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 10:50PM by onelasttime.


An excel sheet can help in understanding payoffs of all option strategies. Each row representing a strategy like bull call, bear call, etc. and each column representing max. gain, max loss, break even price etc.


My strategy going through the readings is this. For every chapter:

1. Read Schweser completely.
2. Reread Schweser while also reading comparable sections from the required readings. For areas Schweser cover's well I will skip RR explanation. For areas that Schweser doesnt cover in depth I'll spend more time reading RR.
3. Take notes from both Schweser and RR's.
4. Do questions from both.
5. Move to next chapter.


i finished schweser and i'm currently doing the CFAI EOC questions.

Lets just say if the essays resemble the ECO q's, i'm screwed.

And the lack of qbank questions (a bunch of sessions have like what, 60 questions in qbank?) really sucks. Qbank should cost less at L3, because they've put in about 1/2 the effort


I am currently using 80% CFA text itself and the rest Schweser. I discovered Schweser to be deficient some time ago already. However, the CFA textbooks are very hard to read with so much materials to remember. I am currently at Reading 45 but I have forgotten Reading 44 and before. I really am quite scare of this exam this time round without useful tools like Schweser.


SkipE99 Wrote:
> I started at a 50/50 CFAI/Schweser
> ratio, but as time is progressing I am feeling
> more confident that study time is best spent on
> CFAI...I just dont trust em for some reason.

Regrettably liking the Schweser matl's for lvl 3 less and less. Greg Filbeck dominates the video segments and he is about the worst professor I've seen from them. Also agree with the question comment made by Thommo; the Qbank seems weaker this time round. For reference, I thought both the L1 and L2 mat'l were solid.

Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.


My experience has been that Schweser gets progressively worse as you go from Level I to III. I purchased Schweser, but have not touched the books. I am finding the CFA books relatively easy to get through for this level. There is not that much extra reading (except for Book 5 which is 541 pages).

