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for level 2 last year i used Philip platt notes. these were really helpful for me and may have been the difference between passing and failing.

Anyone know if he or anyone else has similar typed out notes for level 3?


Phillip Platt=Charlie Sheen, are you sure you want to use his notes?


yes he did fail Level II and i quote "because i spent so much time making the notes"

a real catch 22


If I remember correctly Phillip Platt failed level II... so if he's in level III it would be his first attempt this year.

I could be wrong about that, though.


ok, do you have phillip platt notes for level 3 still?

would be a real help


Lucai Wrote:
> Hi,
> for level 2 last year i used Philip platt notes.
> these were really helpful for me and may have been
> the difference between passing and failing.
> Anyone know if he or anyone else has similar typed
> out notes for level 3?
> Thanks
> Lucai

I used philip platt notes last year for life and now i'm ballin out of control!


any thoughts on this? would be a really useful study aid.

