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Value at Risk

I just want to check whether:

(a) the CBOK requires; and

(b) the curriculum provides the method and assumptions for;

the calculation of 10 per cent yearly VAR of a particular risk exposure given data on 1 per cent daily VAR of that risk exposure. I am unable to find anything in the curriculum so far.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, June 9, 2011 at 08:08AM by stevenevans.

Please feel free to add more salt to my wounds

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, June 9, 2011 at 08:03PM by stevenevans.


250 trading days in a year, 10 days in two weeks so the latter if you are computing 2 week VaR from one year VaR.


The Z-score doesn't change depending on timing of returns (e.g. annual, monthly, daily, etc...) because the z-score is a standardized number that tells the number of standard deviations away from the mean you would expect to go given a specific confidence level.

Remeber the z-score assumes a normal distribution which means it assumes that regardless of what information you are evaluating that it can be described by the normal curve. Changing a z-score would mean you are no longer consistent with a normal distribution.


don't forget to multiply by the value of the portfolio in your VaR calculation.


good thing that my common sense clicked worked in the exam...i guess all those school years where I checked the answer first and calculated backwards to do the math did help after all..


Well! If its in the schweser I should go bury myself.


it is a read between the lines thing in the curriculum on a particular left hand side page...

that is all I remember ... can look it up later when I have the textbook to provide with the reference. where it talks about the mean reverting value of 0, and also goes on to state in no uncertain terms that using a mean value of 0 - is a more CONSERVATIVE VAR estimate -- since when you use a non-zero value - your VAR value will be a lower number.

e.g. say mean = 10, stddev = 10, and 1% var
10 - 10(2.33) = -13.33 --> VAR of 13.33

if mean = 0 --> VAR = 23.33 -- so you are more conservative



cpk123 Wrote:
> level of significance only affects the number used
> - 1.645 vs. 1.96 vs. 2.33
> an assumption they mention in the curriculum is
> that if expected return had a mean reverting value
> of 0 - you could just do it with the std.
> deviation.
> daily return std deviation = x
> annual return std deviation = x*sqrt(250).
> as blanders above has stated.

+2 Not tricky.


Ok. My question to you guys saying its not tricky is -- are you'll drawing from you from the CBOK or practical experience or elsewhere? I studied the curriculum, did samples, mocks and what not -- but haven't come across a question like this at all.

