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Well.. I don't think I'm going to use my charter if I pass

Figured I'd just stop by

I studied for about a week for the level 3 exam. I give myself about a 60% chance of passing (which btw, is nowhere NEAR my confidence level for the other 2). I slacked pretty hard on this exam and kinda wish I put in the same effort I did for the first two.

I feel I answered most of the questions fairly well, but drew TOTAL blanks on about 20% of the exam (both the written portion and item set portion). In comparison, I answered 90 - 95% of the first two exams with some degree of confidence in every answer. Flat out guessing (or BSing on the written part.. even worse since I have a chance to get no points at all) on 1/5 of the exam was not a good feeling, and is the first time since junior year of college I actually felt underprepared for an exam.

But either way, I doubt I'm going to use the charter since I lost my wall st. job a few months ago. I'm actually making more money now playing blackjack & other casino games then I would getting a job as an analyst. (Which is part of the reason I did so poorly on this exam. I spent a lot of june running models/calculations and spending time at the casino and was too burned out to study properly come the end of May). Note that counting cards is NOT a way to get rich quick lol. It involves many hours of preparation and practice, many MANY hours at the blackjack table, and a huge bankroll to make any reasonable kind of money. I've spent many long hours grinding it out at the tables to reach a comfort level where I can bet enough to make decent money.

I'll be back in mid august or so to post my results, pass or fail.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 09:18PM by f2d.

'yield management' will get a new meaning too.


CFA Jay Wrote:
> CPierce Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I tendered my resignation today.
> Farming then?

Yes, going to start learning the business starting Sept 1st, which is near the end of the season. I'll be an apprententice for the next 24 months and then take over the farm all together. My starting salary will be $24,000.


CFA Jay Wrote:
> CPierce Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I tendered my resignation today.
> Farming then?

Would a farm full of charterholders be mad successful, or would there be too much hedging and not enough farming going on? I can imagine the heated debates regarding the depreciation schedule for a new John Deere something.


CPierce Wrote:
> I tendered my resignation today.

Farming then?




hey f2d. drop me an e-mail if you can...

harvey *DOT* chan214@gmail *DOT* com


^^^and my "Shift"And"space" keys are f'd Up,!!


I tendered my resignation today.


f2d - hardly. working harder at your job improves your career.


haha, well the charter's only the start of improving your career -- a lot

