cpk123 Wrote:
> you enter into a payer swaption to pay fixed.
> you would enter into it if the price of the fixed
> portion is < Strike Price.
> If you are thinking in terms of Put or Call
> options on a bond -- The fixed price would fall
> below the strike price for a bond when the
> Interest rate rises - and you have the option to
> then PUT the bond back.
> (P)ayer Swaption=(P)ut option on BOND
> So Re(C)eiver Swaption - likewise would be (C)all
> option on Bond.
you enter into a payer swaption to pay fixed.
you would enter into it if the price of the fixed portion is < Strike Price.
If you are thinking in terms of Put or Call options on a bond -- The fixed price would fall below the strike price for a bond when the Interest rate rises - and you have the option to then PUT the bond back.
(P)ayer Swaption=(P)ut option on BOND
So Re(C)eiver Swaption - likewise would be (C)all option on Bond.