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Advice needed for resitting

Hi everyone, so I got band 9 in Dec08, and now band 10 in June09. I am determined to pass this exam so I've signed up again for Dec09. However....I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to study this time.

For the last two attempts I did this:

Read schweser - make notes on all books, finished 6 weeks before exam
Do Qbank questions - completed a good 2000 or so
Did 4 schweser mocks
Did all mocks/samples available on cfai website
Did Ethics test

I did the same kind of thing both times, and now I'm thinking that obviously I'm not doing something right. Can anyone give me any advice on what else to do...I really don't feel like there is anything else I can do?? Is it worth reading the CFAI textbooks instead or schweser?

Also, should I use my notes from last time, or just start fresh and make new notes all over again? I really don't want to fail again.

I think the best thing to do is to write your own notes. I did that for June09 and got >70% in all subjects. Writing down my own notes helpred me to retain the various concepts and it was very useful particularly for review before exams. For the last 2 weeks before exams, I read only my notes.


I think you should aim on mastering every single bit of the syllabus. When we study we sometimes dont bother giving attention on certain areas like Corporate Governance, Accounting warning signals etc but you should learn everything.

If I were you I would break the whole syllabus into a quantitative part and a qualitative part (not mandatory though). Make a very detailed study plan. Go through the material (which should be easy because you are familiar with it) until you know EVERYTHING in and out. Then hit the mocks. Focus on reducing your time in the mocks. I think its very possible to finish the 3 hr sessions in 1.5-1.45 hrs (a lot of us did that this time). This way you get time to recheck every answer.

I hope this helps.


It sounds like your preparation in terms of the materials used is not lacking; I know it may seem not relevant, but practice on being able to interpret logic structures and then being able to correctly select an answer. E.g. if this statement were not true, which one of these answers would be least likely to be false. The material is really not that difficult, but the way it is tested has greatly contributed to the lower passing rates in the more recent years of the exam.

Also answer all of the questions from the CFAI curriculum multiple times over, especially in the month before the exam.


^ & ^^^ Good luck guys. We'll be rooting for you! Believe!


thanks to all for the advice.
Frisian, I know it gets harder and maybe it would be easier to stop now, but I'm not the kind to give up on something. To be fair my last few attempts have both been a bit blighted by other things coming up at work and in my personal life. In the two weeks before June exam, I worked 65 hours each week and was refused any study leave, so I wasn't really in the best state of preparation. However, I've since moved jobs and they are a LOT more supportive, so hopefully, third time's a charm!


hey bexter, good on you for sticking with it and being determined to pass.
although i don't have that much CFA experience yet, i will say that i pretty much wasted five single subject note books, about dozen pens, and copious amounts of time taking notes that i rarely referred to in end. if anything make flash cards that you can review methodically, few times per week. the time saved spent from notes will be much better spent taking more practice ?'s. hang in.


Hey to the OP I failed my first time June 09 with a Band 7, I'm with you together on this one buddy. I know we are both going to pass in December.

PS, anyone have a good study schedule for the Schweser Notes? I didn't use them last time and am going to this time, already ordered them. Starting to study in August 1st, so anyone have a good pace/ plan to go through the books? OP?


Bexter Wrote:
> Thanks for your replies guys. Its not easy but I
> can't give up now, too much time and money already
> invested.

Free advice. I'm all for people setting goals and overcoming challenges, but make sure you really want / need to pursue the charter for yourself and your career. And I bring that up because there are also exams called Level 2 and Level 3, and Level 1 is a joke compared to those. If you pass Level 1 in December, the program will get much tougher and will take up a lot more of your time.


Also make sure you do as much questions as you can! QBanks, Questions on this forum...etc. Just do LOTS of questions..., especially questions from the CFAI textbook.

