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Carried Int


Couple of ways to calc this:

Hurdle rate: Using PV calcuations if I/Y is greater than hurdle rate then the GP gets paid Carried interest. However what do you use as the PV and FV? Say you have a NAV distribution table and the hurdle rate is 8% and the question says in which year will the GP get paid carried interest. How exactly do you calc it?

Case by Case: Does this just mean GP gets Nav(before dist) x carried int all years?

Total Return 1: Commited Capital: This is simple enough, when Nav (before dist) > commited capital.

Invested Capital: How exactly does this work? Is this just when NAV(before dist) > cumulative invested capital?

Thanks for any/all help

I think you deduct management fees before you multiply by Nav(before dist).

My understanding, which is a bit weak, is that once the Nav(before dist) - mgmt fee) becomes greater than the committed capital, then you check the hurdle rate...something like:

if [Nav(before dist) - mgmt fee - committed capital] / committed capital > hurdle rate, you get paid, carried interest * [Nav(before dist) - mgmt fee)]

I could be wrong though.


it's Nav before dist = Nav(after dist from previous year) +capital called down - management fees + operating profit

Then after dist is just nav before - carried - distributions.

But I am questioning how to calculate the carried under the various forms of restrictions on carried int.

