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Elementary School (小学)
  - One Up on Wall Street,(彼得·林奇成功投资by Peter Lynch(彼得·林奇)
  - Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist(一个美国资本家的成长-巴菲特传), by Roger Lowenstein
  - value Investing With the Masters(跟大师学价值投资), by Kirk Kazanjian (0735203210)
  - The Davis Dynasty(戴维斯王朝——五十年华尔街成功投资历程), by John Rothchild
  - valuegrowth Investing(价值成长型投资), by Glen Arnold   
  Junior High (初中)  
  - The 5 Keys to value Investing(价值投资五大关键), by J. Dennis Jean-Jacques
  - Beating the Street(战胜华尔街), by Peter Lynch(彼得·林奇)
  - Investment Fables(打破神话的投资十诫), by Aswath Damodaran
  - The Vest Pocket Guide to value Investing(价值投资手册), by C. Thomas Howard
  - Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits(怎样选择成长股), by Philip Fisher (菲利普.费雪)   
  High School (高中)   
  - Made in America(美国制造), by Sam Walton (萨姆.沃尔顿)
  - Forbes' Greatest Investing Stories( 福布斯最大投资传奇), by Richard Phalon
  - John Neff on Investing(约翰.聂夫谈投资), by John Neff (约翰.聂夫)
  - The Intelligent Investor(聪明的投资者);《证券分析》by Benjamin Graham (本杰明.格雷厄姆)
  - The Money Masters(金融大师), by John Train

  - Stocks for the Long Run(股史风云话投资(3版散户投资正典)), by Jeremy Siegel (西格尔)
  - Quality of Earnings(盈利的质量), by Thornton Oglove (0029226309)
  - Investing in Small-Cap Stocks(投资小盘股), by Christopher Graja and Elizabeth Ungar
  - The Book of Investing Wisdom(投资智慧书), by Peter Krass
  - You Can Be a Stock Market Genius(你能成为股市天才), by Joel Greenblatt
  Grad School (研究院)
  - Break Up!(分裂), by Campbell, Koch & Sadtler
  - Investment Gurus(投资大师), by Peter Tanous
  - value Investing: A Balanced Approach(《价值投资:平稳途径》), by Martin Whitman
  - value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond(价值投资:从格雷厄姆到巴菲特及其他), by Bruce Greenwald
  - The Road to Serfdom(通往奴役之路), by F.A. Hayek (哈谢克)    
  Post-Doc 1: (博士后1
  - It's Earnings that Count(起作用的盈利), Heiserman
  - The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing(股市真规则), Dorsey
  - Inside Intuit(Intuit公司内幕), Taylor & Scroeder
  - Pour Your Heart Into It(星巴克咖啡王国传奇), Schultz & Yang
  - Investment Philosophies(投资哲学), Damodaran
  Post-Doc 2: (博士后2
  - Damodaran on Valuation(价值评估,另一个译本译名:论价值:投资与公司财务安全性分析), Damodaran
  - Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Next Generation(反向投资策略:升级版), Dreman
  - Moneyball(钱与球: 在不公平比赛中获胜的艺术), Lewis
  - Investment Intelligence From Insider Trading (从内线交易中获得的投资情报)
  - Financial Shenanigans(财务诡计), Schilit

Post-Doc 3:
  - Bull! A History of the Boom, 1982-1999,(牛市!1982-1999市场繁荣历史) Mahir
  - Wall Street: A History,(华尔街史) Geisst
  - The Effective Executive(有效的管理者), Drucker (彼得.德鲁克)
  - The Essential Drucker(管理大师德鲁克精华), Drucker (彼得.德鲁克)
  - The Essays of Warren Buffet(巴菲特致股东的信:股份公司教程)
  Post-Doc 4: (博士后4
  - Letters to Shareholders: Warren Buffet (巴菲特致股东的信)
  - Letters to Shareholders: Charlie Munger (芒格致股东的信)
  - Bershire Hathaway Owners Manual(伯克夏所有者手册), Buffet (以上三个见伯克夏网站)
  - The Dark Side of Valuation(深入价值评估), Damodaran

自私的基因The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins
基因组:人种自传23 Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters, by Matt Ridley
第三种猩猩-人类的身世与未来 The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond 【王道还 海南出版社 200405; 书名应译为第三种黑猩猩】
枪炮.病菌与钢铁-人类社会的命运 Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, also by Jared Diamond
生活在极限之内:生态学、经济学和人口禁忌Living Within Limits : Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos
苏格兰人如何发明代世界(台湾)How the Scots Invented the Modern World
国富国穷 The Wealth and Poverty of Nations : Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor
本杰明·富兰克林自传 The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
洛克菲勒——一个关于财富的神话 (注:本书是工商巨子的删减版) Titan : The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
购并霸业:时代华纳总裁史蒂夫·罗斯传Master of the Game
只有偏执狂才能生存 Only the Paranoid Survive
成事在人 关键时刻发挥领导和合作的效力Getting It Done: How to Lead When You're Not in Charge
影响 Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
诚信的背后(也翻泥鸽靶)F.I.A.S.C.O.: The Inside Story of a Wall Street Trader


