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Law School after CFA... crazy much?

One of my friends is considering going to law school, actually I heard him mentioning law school since he was doing his undergrad and I just thought, “everyone considered being a lawyer at some point in their life”, and never heard much about it until he recently finished the CFA program.
I was thinking HE MUST BE CRAZY because I do believe there’s such thing as being over-edcuated. And usually people who are “professional students” and they just use studying as an excuse to avoid facing the real world.
UNTIL I have another friend who’s an intern/ apprentice at a law firm that specializes in IPOs (or at least her team is). She has a biology background and has absolutely NO BACKGROUND in finance or accounting whatsoever. She frequently asks me questions about her job, and she told me how much she appreciates if people in her firm have more of the business background because they would be able to converse better with the auditors, etc.
So perhaps my friend who’s going to law school after CFA isn’t too crazy afterall? If he wants to do IPO or IP…. thoughts???

You have to listen to yourself and follow the route which will ultimately make you happy. Everything else is 3rd party BS.


I would like to have MD next to my CFA letters one day.  That would be cool.


The percentage of un/under-employed lawyers is even higher than CFA’s, bad move.


There’s also this huge opportunity cost of full-time study for another 3 to 4 yrs of JD. Not a good idea.


160K starting salary at the top firms.


Here is a good rule of thumb:
Credentials are the details, the grease on the wheels. Losers will always be losers, no matter how many credentials they have. Winners will always be winners, whether they are credentialed or not. The mistake is ascribing the causation chain to be “credentials –> winner” instead of “winner –>credentials.”
All the talk on these forums about, do this, don’t do this, this is a waste of time, etc., is all bullsh!t propagated by jealous people with no practical experience in what they are talking about. If you, or your friend, or your friend’s friend, wants to get XYZ credential/degree because they have done the local assessment and feel that that is what is required to excel in that specialized niche, who is anyone else to say that it is a terrible idea?


I guess i just want to know who else in this forum has both a JD and CFA, that’s all.
Perhaps they can share about the work they do?


Oh Yeah DOW….what you know and who you know and your record of accomplishment and opportunities that present themselves means nothing.  You are handed a “winner” or “loser” badge at the start of life and all else is irrelevant.  Outside of interjecting your life philosophy not sure this rule of thumb displays a dangrous heuristic blind spot that adds little value to the basic topic originally raised!


I have a JD and I’m working towards the CFA.
I wasn’t out to grab credentials, but I didn’t like law school and I don’t want to be a lawyer.

