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Post from a candidate's gf: What would be most helpful to al

My boyfriend will be sitting for level II along with many of you on June 1st, and as such has been preparing tirelessly for quite some time. My question to all of you is: what would be the most helpful support you could receive from a partner to get you through this difficult time? Obviously I do my best to do much of the cleaning/shopping/laundry, etc. when possible, but what sort of emotional support can I offer? I know it’s not helpful to say “I know you’ll pass” for example, but I want to be able to give some sort of reassurance since he’s not able to muster that up for himself.
Basically, it’s really hard for me to watch him work so hard while his confidence decreases with each passing mock exam, when to me it seems like he should be really pleased with his scores! What would be the best thing for all of you to hear at this point to make the next few weeks go a little more smoothly?

if he needs some stress relief, let him have it


Clarify “stress relief.”  Exactly what should she be giving him to relieve his stress?


- Feed him
- Give him sex
- Don’t talk to him


You sound like a great girlfriend, supportQ.


You could plan some sort of nice dinner or weekend for after Level II.


Plan a trip for the two of you after the exam.  That is what my wife did and it was great to help me get my mind out of CFA mode.  Also, it will be good for your relationship.  I second what Black Swan said thta you sound like a good gf.


+1 on the good GF comment.
But yeah, leave him alone and feed his manly-needs (wink wink). Maybe throw in a massage sometime. Not much you can do to help emotionally, seriously the worst thing is when people say “I’m sure you’ll do fine”, or “I know you’ll pass”.


Thank you all for the advice! I will keep trying to be helpful and otherwise stay out of the way.  I hope you all know your significant others are as anxious for June 2nd as you all are! (well, almost).


1) Respect his schedule..  rethink ANYTHING that’ll prevent him from studying for more than an hour.
2) Don’t fight/argue over small things if possible..  save it all for June 2 if you can’t let go.
3) Don’t take it personally if he’s not in the mood..
4) Last but most important, don’t get in the way if it’s at all possible..  he’s gonna have to go through this all over again next year if he fails.

