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I am the lowest paid CFA charterholder. Can u beat me?

I am a CFA charterholder and make $58k a year. Is there anyone that makes less?
Area: NYC
Years of experience: 5

Yes I do know people that are in the 40s, but they don’t live in NYC.  Maybe if you include cost of living, you are among the lowest.
That’s the reason why the CFA does not make anymore salary studies.


I assume you are excluding the unemployed charterholders.


well technically, there are unemployed CFA Charterholders..


That is pretty low for NYC.  Why can’t you find better paying work?


That thread was not particularly useful, as everyone said to get another job offer and then threaten your employer…


Not everyone.  I did mention that there’s the alternative of asking your boss what would be required from you to get a raise or promotion, and then work to hit those targets.  For many, though, it’s more fun to say, “I got another offer that pays more, so pay me more or I’m leaving,” though.


I always feel the way to get  more money is to get creative and CONSISTENTLY bring new ideas to the table.  Especially ones that help bring in more revenue, and they don’t have to be directly related to your own position.  Like the sign in the subway says “see something, say something”.  You read an article about something that can help the business, talk about it.  Some company executives have been working in the same position for so long they suffer from stale thinking.  I experience that all the time. My ideas got me an additional 25K plus 6K performance bonus worked into my contract for 2013, and my company laid off 4K in January. Get after it!


That’s probably the NYSSA Annual memberhsip fee, right?


I think it depends on your role and also how you express yourself. No one wants to work with young smartass who thinks he can do things better than everyone. So you need to temper your suggestions with respect for the pecking order. It’s also important to demonstrate that other people benefit from association with you - that is, make sure your boss and people you work with get some group credit where possible. It makes them like you and support your ideas.
Your job function is probably also important. If you are in a revenue generating role and everyone’s bonus is tied to group PnL, then people are likely to appreciate your contribution. If your job is just plugging numbers, then maybe your incremental contribution is less tangible and less likely to be valued.

