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I got reported but haven't received any letter yet

I got reported but haven't received any letter yet,....

dude, why did you not just write your reminder about your wallet on the answer book, you may have contravened the testing policy by writing anything on that ticket.
And getting the email does not mean that they would not investigate you.  Hopefully they will dop it or just send you a reminder letter.
All the best


Call them … i know that policy doesn’t allow you to write on the ticket, but you didn’t write any thing related to the exam/material.
Good luck and update us


Too early for a letter, earliest ones I’ve seen reported on the forums are end of June.  Good luck!


I’d expect a letter around the first week of July, but I don’t think anything will come of it.


I’ve heard of letters from one month after to just before exam results day (talk about ruining your day!)
Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do but sit back and wait. Perhaps if you are really nervous about it draft up a sample of your defense, this way you’ll feel you are ready to go if something bad happens.
My personal opinion from everything I’ve seen and read on the subject is that CFAI has a flawed exam conduct policy for the following reasons:
1. In some cases the process can take up to nine months to clear. This means you can’t register for the next exam (if you passed).
2. Proctors most of the time don’t say anything when they suspect something, you find out only after the fact.
3. If you are cleared, you have to pay the late registration fees if the initial registration period has run out. This has the unfortunate effect of penalizing the innocent for no reason.
4. It appears many people who get in trouble are accused of ‘stray eyes’, which is very difficult to prove. Placing removable plastic mounted cardboard barriers between exam takers would solve the ‘stray eyes’ problem. The cost would be minimal. While cameras would be a bit more expensive, they would definitely help reduce the subjectivity in proving that cheating is taking place.
5. Even if there is an investigation, there is nothing wrong with releasing the results to the test taker personally, but without granting them the right to claim such officially until the investigation is complete. This way an innocent candidate can at the very least begin studying.
The biggest problem here is that CFAI appears to operate under the same presumption as the IRS, guilty until proven innocent. That really isn’t fair in my view.
Anyway, hope you come out alright!



This is the way to administer a world wide exam with 150k of cands who spent hundreds of hours.
it’s not you local school exam, where everybody knows each other and are kind of buddies.
Absolute fear leads to absolute respect of the rules. A wrong move leads to a gun shot. This is called discipline. Otherwisse the things will go out of control. As old as the humankind.


There’s no time limit for when people are receiving the notices.  until you get teh result email saying you pass/fail, you can still get the letter


The consequences of letting an unethical person get a CFA are much worse than the consequences of letting an ethical person be mistakenly disqualified.


CFAI is free to be a bitch to us.
Because we pay them (not they pay us) and we accept the rules of the game set by them.
Discussing the rules of the game is very unproductive. You just accept them as you cannot change them. The whole thread reminds me of crying for fairness, which is rarely a case in this world.

