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To those who passed level II...

I am a CPA and have always worked as an accountant for Mutual/Private Equity Funds. I passed part one of the exam on my first try, but barely. I got 50-70 on everything except accounting and ethics which were 70+.

As I work through the Part II material, individually the topics aren't too bad (although even as accountant, I can't stand pensions). But whenever I go back and do questions from previous material I covered, I just cannot remember anything.

I currently use Schweser and CFAI EOCs as my primary study tools. I was wondering if anyone has every tried Schweser's in-person workshops that they do for 3 days? I am not too far from Chicago and I am just wondering if the price tag of the course plus travel could be worth it. They also offer the workshop online and on demand. Anyone use this for Level II?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 03:00PM by dlanuez.

mrdjb Wrote:
> L2, Pensions - easily the most soul-destroying
> part of the entire curriculum (so far).

You've got to be kidding me. The pension q's thrown in 2009 and 2010 were a joke and merely require memorization of the formulas. Derivatives on the other hand...



Yes, but the reading was so so so dull...
I made the mistake of starting my studies on that topic. Quickly quit and came back to it at the end.


L2, Pensions - easily the most soul-destroying part of the entire curriculum (so far).

