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$80K, 4yrs, Boston, Industry research?

have searched on glassdoor, salary.com etc...just wanted the opinion from here:

A friend of mine has been offered $80K+ for an industry research position (preparing reports on financial markets in general - like McKinsey etc do) for a large institutional investor.
He has around 3+ years exp (in similar research oriented roles for financial markets), masters from a nondescript school, and level 2 cleared.

is it a fair deal? glassdoor etc give a very broad range of 70K-150K. wondering if he has scope for bargaining?

The salaray seems reasonable. The job is definitely worth taking if he can get into the research center on the ground floor. Lot's of opportunity to carve out a niche for himself and cover an area he is genuinely interested in.


It is an institutional asset management firm which plans to set up a research center... covering macro stuff... tacitly promoting the firm in the media/investor circles.


A market research firm like Global Insights? Or consulting firm like Monitor Group?

heard the the analyst class start off like 50-60k + 5-15% bonus. If he had a master and close to CFA he would probably be an associate level. 65-75k + 10-20% bonus. 80k sounds like it is in his ball park.


If there's potential to move up and grow in the position; I would advise him/her to take it.


He should take it

