上一主题:Finished Ethics and quants
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Hey Hamada, what QBank are you using again?

I remember you mentioned you were doing a bit of cocktail of 3rd party products: Schweser Notes, Elan Videos, and some other provider for QBank.  Can you remind what it was?  And was the main reason you decided on this because the questions are in Vignette format unlike Schwesers?

I still haven’t gotten to the qbank question. I plan to hit them later though.


I went with Finquiz qbank, I went with it due to the vignette format. I actually checked it out and they due have a lot of vignette style questions. Either way you get the Schweser qbank with you order. I also went with finquiz because I was able to get a 60% discount. You just have to say you’re a re-taker I think.


上一主题:Finished Ethics and quants
下一主题:Capital Budgeting Question