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June-2014 Registration

While going through my account of  institute website, the details with regard to June-2014 details are there even though the result of level-iii result is not declared yet???
Do anybody see the same details when you log in your account on website of institute? Can we do infer something out of it even though results are not declared?

i went to CFAI website yesterday and registered myself already…it was working normally.
The fee is 630 for the exam + 170 (150 books + 20 shipping to brazil) for printed curriculum.
the exam will be in the 7th of june.
In fact i even have already downloaded the curriculum for 2014…


Yes i see … but when i click on it …it shows me previous year receipt . and ask me to return back .


I can’t believe that people who sat for CFA level 3 exams are actually having this conversation. Are you guys serious?
and I thought i worry too much..


Doe we see Register for Level III or Registered for level III under Account Home tab??


Under Manage Account Section, following tags with informations thereunder are there:
1. Profile                      2. Topic & Interests                          3. Newsletters & Alterts.
However, under Candidate My CFA Tag, there are four tags (Vertically) at the left side of the window viz. (i) Candidate Resources, Membership, Career Resources, and Manager Your Account. In addition to these four tags, there are information in the middle of the window (from middle to right parallel to those four tabs) viz. “Locations, Fees & Deadlines - June 2014 exam registration; Membership - Join Our Community; and also “Career Resources - Tools and Guidance”.


Cfa site maintenance done so wat all we see under manage account section?


All I wanna know is
a) How much does L3 cost before the August deadline? (don’t know why they don’t have the fee schedule up yet…)
b) When do the CFAI books and Schwesernotes ship?  I hope to do a read each this time.  Only one pass through schweser had me sweating on L2.


I ink there will be 1.2 billion charter holder s soon


ya kabira we all received that, but somehow not all received dat mail.
Meanwhile link for apply for exam is diabled as system maintenance is going on till tmrw.

