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Who's going to start studying right away?

Having spent the last six months in a nice little study routine, I'm loath to stop now - I suspect it will be a major PITA to re-establish a routine if I go back to using free time as...well, free time. Granted, in my case since I'm also taking an mba course via distance learning, I'll have year-round studying for the next few years...

The confident part of me wants to start going over some of the Level 3 material. The not-so-confident part wants to go back and start doing a thorough review of the Level 2 material that I didn't spend enough time on (yes, alts & fixed income, I'm looking at you).

So who's planning a nice long break, and who's going to keep at the books, even if only lightly?

If you think hiring a professional is expensive...
wait until you've hired an amateur.

Mr-Z Wrote:
> Going to take at least a month off to refresh.
> Then re-read the topics which I thought were going
> to have a low probability of being on the exam.

Im deff failing and i'll start preparing in october/early november.


That's the thing - my schedule is already full of hobby stuff not to mention having a lovely wife & kid. So by 'free time' I really mean 'commute time on the train to/from work and hour or so either in the early morning or late at night before bed'.

I've had to put chess & tennis on the back-burner for a while. Video games are completely out (except for some occasional Wii Fit with the wife). Cycling is moderately do-able on an indoor trainer & audio/video as the mood hits.

Podcasts while walking our dog are my one guilty pleasure that I refuse to give up. In fact, while I'm here let me plug some good podcasts that people might like:

More or Less
This American Life
LSE Public Lectures and Events
A Brief History of Mathematics
Little Atoms
History of the World in 100 Objects

If you think hiring a professional is expensive...
wait until you've hired an amateur.


lol i dont even know what to say to this thread

absolutely e^times infinity not. I want to enjoy my summer and fall without worrying about this crap regardless of whether i passed or fail. If I have to retake, I'll start around the same time again but with a huge jump start on understanding the material


blue-eyed-samurai Wrote:
> Having spent the last six months in a nice little
> study routine, I'm loath to stop now - I suspect
> it will be a major PITA to re-establish a routine
> if I go back to using free time as...well, free
> time.

Why not keep the study routine, but with something else? Waste of time to do it with CFA 12 months in advance for a test that you might have passed.


I think studying a year out is very inefficient. What you are teaching yourself in August will be gone by next May unless you keep refreshing yourself on everything once per month...

I starting reading the L2 curriculum (Schweser) in October and when I started my 2nd pass (review), a lot of stuff I couldn't even remember reading whatsoever. I would much prefer to concentrate energy towards the final "thrust" of April-May...

For me personally, I don't get motivated to study until the pressure's on and then I go all apeshit and study from 6:30AM to 11:00PM everyday for the last 2 weeks.

If I don't pass Level 2, I'm out, I am not going through this again, especially since I own my own front-office firm and don't need this, was just doing it for accomplishment's sake. If I pass, I'll give it my all to Level 3, but if I fail, it's the end of the line.


I plan to take a month off, and start to study the material again, because to get everything prepared within 4 months with a full time job is not possible for me to pass the exam.

I plan to start on Ethic or fixed income first


nvestn Wrote:
> I think studying a year out is very inefficient.
> What you are teaching yourself in August will be
> gone by next May unless you keep refreshing
> yourself on everything once per month...
> I starting reading the L2 curriculum (Schweser) in
> October and when I started my 2nd pass (review), a
> lot of stuff I couldn't even remember reading
> whatsoever. I would much prefer to concentrate
> energy towards the final "thrust" of April-May...
> For me personally, I don't get motivated to study
> until the pressure's on and then I go all apeshit
> and study from 6:30AM to 11:00PM everyday for the
> last 2 weeks.
> If I don't pass Level 2, I'm out, I am not going
> through this again, especially since I own my own
> front-office firm and don't need this, was just
> doing it for accomplishment's sake. If I pass,
> I'll give it my all to Level 3, but if I fail,
> it's the end of the line.

Few things.

Cramming the way you do it probably won't last long. If he starts now, and literally reviews the material every 2 weeks or so, it will sink in, and retain for much longer. This is best for obvious reasons, and for people who have demanding jobs that may not afford the luxury of taking vacation days off before the exam.

A lot of people read the whole curriculum once through (taking maybe 3 months) and then pounce on problems in the last month. Problem is at the 4th month, you don't remember that much from the 1st month. So, if you start studying early, and leave full review time every couple weeks, it will sink in.


I am gonna chill for a week and be back to my level 2 stuff. I can't afford to forget those stuff not with the amount of effort I put in.


I'll wait at least till the results come out. I would like to enjoy my life again after 4 months of hard studying.

But I know now what I'll need to do to beat this thing.....know everything inside out!

