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custom fees

I plan to buy the hardcopy, but has anybody been dinged with custom fees? If so, where are you from and how much was it?

30€ in France


ask ur local UPS office as they are aware of the custom fees , in some countries , educational books are custom fees free.


In uk , educational books are exempt. Initially UPS charged me but then I got a full refund from HM Revenue & customs.


@Internal Auditor - how to get the refund from HMRC ?


I registered in USA for a center in USA and ordering the books on USA address. Why should I pay custom fee? Doesn't make any sense to me.


@ towardsutopia, I just checked again. I got a refund from UPS , who I believe got a refund from HMRC. So my advise would be to speak to UPS


My L2 books showed up this morning (in London) and I was not charged any kind of customs fees. Same thing for when I ordered the L1 books in January.

I do get the feeling that it's a bit of a lucky draw though. If the postman handling your package at the depot thinks he can get some money out of you then he'll probably try to.


got mine this morning. all I paid is $700 to CFAI. nothing after that. live in UK.

