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June-2014 Registration

While going through my account of  institute website, the details with regard to June-2014 details are there even though the result of level-iii result is not declared yet???
Do anybody see the same details when you log in your account on website of institute? Can we do infer something out of it even though results are not declared?

it probably means nothing.  the situnation is similar to the “Apply for Membership Today” email, but on the opposite side of the anxiety story on our part.


So you guys are also having the details when you are accessing your account on intitute website???
Is there anyone who dont have such details when they access their account on institute website?


What am i supposed to look out for, an alert that registration can start on 1 aug or what?


Think thats normal. Unless you can actually register ill be worried. Even then i would think thats a system glitch.


Locations, Fees, & Deadlines
June 2014 exam information
June 2014 exam registration
Registration for the June 2014 exam will be available by 1 August 2013”

Do all have the same information when you access your accout on website of institute???


Do all of us see other sections apart from location,fees,deadlines wth regards to Membership and Career resources alongside?


I am noot able to locate Fees and deadlines. All I can find , after clicking on “Candidate My CFA” are follwing items :
Candidate resources
Career Resources
Manage your account
Though when i go inside …. Candidate resources … i get the option of “register” …. but after clicking it .. all i can find is info regarding Exams like .. test centres+ adn details regarding when results will be available … not any stuff related to 2014 registration … also hwen i specifically when to “registration ” tab … clicking on it .. shows info regarding june 2013 exams only .. like when they will available and timeline etc ..
anyone seeing different ?


We are also able to see the such details viz. Candidate Resources, Membership, Career Resources, Manager Your Account, in the left side of the window.
However, there are information in the middle of the window (from middle to right parallel to those four tabs) viz. “Locations, Fees & Deadlines - June 2014 exam registration; Membership - Join Our Community; and also “Career Resources - Tools and Guidance”.
Kindly confirm about these details along with your expectation wrt to your result.


Guys one more change i have noticed from yesterday …
When we go into “Manage your account” … link for “Apply for CFA exam ” is not there . yesterday , when i checked .. it was there.
Currently there is only ” Enroll for CIPM program” ..link is present. and also 2 new link has been added … “view my refrences” and “view my membership” .
Kindly confirm this

