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Band 10 Fail: Revaluation?

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%

1 Portfolio Management - Individual 16 * - -
2 Portfolio Management - Individual 22 - * -
3 Portfolio Management - Institutional 26 - * -
4 Economics 23 - - *
5 Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 20 * - -
6 Fixed Income Investments 19 - - *
7 Equity Investments 22 - - *
8 Portfolio Management - Risk Management 16 * - -
9 Portfolio Management – Performance Eval. 16 * - -

Item Set

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
- Alternative Investments 18 - * -
- Economics 18 - * -
- Equity Investments 18 - - *
- Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - *
- Fixed Income Investments 36 - - *
- Portfolio Management - Execution 18 - * -
- Portfolio Management - Individual 18 * - -
- Portfolio Management - Risk Management 18 * - -

We have divided the full group of candidates who did not pass into 10 approximately equal score bands. Your score band below shows how your overall score on the exam compares with all other failed candidates.

Your score band: 10

ANYONE else giving for revaluation? any idea on the success of revals in earlier years, especially at L3? AM session is subjective so maybe a reasonable chance ?

I wouldn't do it. No AF user has ever reported this his result changed after a retabulation.


cityboy Wrote:
> I wouldn't do it. No AF user has ever reported
> this his result changed after a retabulation.

will wait for responses but yeah i dont recall anyone having reported a change...
this SUCKS. Band effing 10 !


i wouldnt do it. Those last 2 item sets were probably your undoing - if you had gotten over 50% on those, i bet you would've passed.


smileygladhands Wrote:
> i wouldnt do it. Those last 2 item sets were
> probably your undoing - if you had gotten over 50%
> on those, i bet you would've passed.

i remember getting out of the AM session thinking...''wow those last 2 sets were bad''...

2013 for me...dont have the enthusiasm for 2012


Damn red - sorry to see that. Best of luck either way!!!

-My friend QQQbbe, we will never forget you.


i was actually thinking the item sets (multiple choice, PM session)

in any event sorry you didnt pass man, band 10 has gotta be the worst because you were so damn close...

if you do 2012, it may be more fresh in your head, and less time for curriculum changes....just a thought...


If it gives you peace of mind, do it. It probably won't change the result but you will feel better.

If you are not aware of the process, all they do is add all your scores again to make sure the math is right. They do not go back and regrade your exam.

Several years ago, someone asked for a retab on the L1 exam and CFAI found out there was some error in the electronic scanning for a bunch of tests. This resulted in several hundred people getting their results switched from fail to pass, so it certainly can happen. That is the only instance I am aware of where any results were changed from pass to fail.


@ Jcole...thanks. did u clear?

@smileygladhands...agreed 2012 will be fresh. i'll give it a couple of weeks and then decide.
thanks for your input man...

@hezagenius...if its jus going to be a recheck on the addition of the marks, low chance. thanks.


I feel your pain. I failed my first attempt at L3 and was sure I passed (2006, 76% pass rate). I compared my answers to a coworker as we were walking back to the office (yeah, I know you aren't supposed to do that) and we had all the same answers. When results came out, she frikkin' aced it and I had lots <50%. Just couldn't figure it out. Still can't. I did a retab and nothing changed. Still worth the $100 to me. At least you get some comfort you didn't slip through the cracks with a retab.

Hang in there. It took me 3 times to pass L3.

