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CPAbeatsCFA Wrote:
> HighYielder Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This isnt going to happen any time soon. I
> know
> > some people at CFAI and its not even close to
> > being on the table for discussion.
> >
> > If you aspire to obtain the charter, you
> shouldnt
> > want this anyway. All it will mean is much
> lower
> > pass rates for levels 2 and 3.
> A. you dont "know" anyone at CFAI
> B. if you did,"they" would never tell you that
> C. why else would they release the results
> early...so people can register and restudy for
> Level II now being offered in Dec.

I do in fact.

You must have mistaken me for someone that likes to f--k with people. Have it your way.


and to answer part c: - they would release results early because Level 2 exams finish the grading process before Level 3 does, and it would greatly lessen the burden on CFAI employees to be able to split up the release of results. One can only imagine the amount of incoming calls, requests for regrades, etc. that come in. And we haven't even talked about the IT angle yet - it took me several hours to get my results for both level 2 and 3 due to problems on their end.

I've been on the site for a long time and was inappropriately banned, so if you think I am here to BS you, than that is on you.


HighYielder Wrote:
> and to answer part c: - they would release results
> early because Level 2 exams finish the grading
> process before Level 3 does, and it would greatly
> lessen the burden on CFAI employees to be able to
> split up the release of results. One can only
> imagine the amount of incoming calls, requests for
> regrades, etc. that come in. And we haven't even
> talked about the IT angle yet - it took me several
> hours to get my results for both level 2 and 3 due
> to problems on their end.
> I've been on the site for a long time and was
> inappropriately banned, so if you think I am here
> to BS you, than that is on you.

OK. take it easy. Been long here or knows anyone counts for nothing.
The increasing candidates will push CFAI to consider Dec L2 exam at last, right?


coshair Wrote:
> That's why they release L2's results together with
> L1, right??

Maybe because of it being a multiple-choice exam, with half the questions to grade than L1. I never understood why results used to be in August before anyway.


Wish in one hand, s--t in the other, and see which one fills up faster.


of course there'll be an L2 in December.

After all, the CFAI has nothing better to do than make up an extra test each year. And finding large conference space to administer the tests in major cities around the world in the month before Xmas is a piece of cake. And getting extra graders in January is probably a breeze.

(BTW, typing the subject in all Caps also makes it a certainty)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 01:15PM by Super I.


I know you gonna hate me if I say this , but... If I pass this exam L2 shouldn't be in Dec, but If I fail this exam L2 better be offered this year, right now THIS YEAR!!!

Can't wait for the result to come out. Haiz.

I think I'm becoming a psycho soon if the result is unfavorable...


I think the reason level 2 gets released with level 1 is that they are both scantron tests. Level 3 has the essay portion which obviously takes a bit longer to grade.

Also there is a greater rush to let people know they have passed/failed levels 1 and 2 so that they can continue their prep whereas people in Level 3 that have passed are finished.


But I doubt we'll see any big changes like that so soon. They usually announce these things way in advance. Usually at least a year.

Personally, I don't see why they shouldn't offer level 2 and 3 to people who have failed it previously.

But as someone potentially in that boat, maybe I should be careful what I ask for!

