上一主题:Reclassification of Trading
下一主题:New CFAI Rights
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Very comparable. Everything that was in the Mocks was not in the final exam!


I was very confident going into the exam, I got 80s on q-bank and managed 5/6 on the EOC on average. The real exam confused me in terms of question wording and I felt like a total idiot quite a few times. This was a truly frustrating experience. I am not sure I will trust in any score on EOC, mock or qbank anymore to judge my study progress.


thought it was easier except the tricks that I knew were coming and the rounding crap


whats irritating is that the answer was closest to the same answer the uninformed person would have gotten had they not discounted back so heres one question where you get extra credit for not knowing the material right in fact its the ones who studied well who would get more confused by such a question


上一主题:Reclassification of Trading
下一主题:New CFAI Rights