上一主题:Schweser question bank
下一主题:Schweser QBank too calculation-oriented?
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If you normally drink coffee, then definitely do not interrupt that pattern, you may have headaches (caffeine withdrawal) if your a coffee freak like myself...

For the last 2 weeks I've been having Taurine/Caffeine energy drinks to, half a can in the afternoon and half-a-can after supper to keep me awake/focused to study... I'm not sure if I should drink half a can during the lunch break to make sure I'm not "food drunk" in the early afternoon...

Any body use energy drinks for exams? I know too much can make you jittery and all A.D.D., but I imagine that in moderation it could help with focus...

Any thoughts?


上一主题:Schweser question bank
下一主题:Schweser QBank too calculation-oriented?