上一主题:International Asset Pricing (Portfolio Management) - Need He
下一主题:Volume 2 (Economics) review via skype on Friday, January 13t
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I think it probably would be a violation because it “deprives his main owner of his time at that place of work” ….it’s a bit of a grey area i guess.
I came across a Q the other day which an analyst was doing an unpaid internship, but then did 30hours a week waitressing in the evenings….now obviously waitressing doesnt conflict with the analyst role but apparently it was likely to violate the standards because she was depriving the investment firm of her quality by possibly being tired after working so long in the evening


上一主题:International Asset Pricing (Portfolio Management) - Need He
下一主题:Volume 2 (Economics) review via skype on Friday, January 13t