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Too late to start studying for Level II?

Do people feel it is too late to start preparing for Level II?
I realize some people need more time than others but any feedback on the work load compared to Level I would be appreciated. I plan on only using Schweser.
Thank you

hell no, i just started yesterday and i think its dooable


Very do-able still. But I would pay for express shipping if you don’t already have the materials!
I think I started for level I about this time last year.


If you listen to Journey while studying, nothing’s impossible.


Why are there so many of these posts? There is no way the average candidate starts much before February 15th.


The average candidate also doesn’t pass the exam.


Yeah, I’m not starting until March 15, now thats pushing it.


discipline, motivation, consistency, determination, belief and a flat out killer instinct!!!


I have started two weeks back. Started from the CFAI derivatives book and have just reached section 6(options pricing). I think it’s quite do-able but may have to switch to Shweser instead of using the CFAI text. Is there anyone who has recently started and is using CFAI material?


I’ll be starting in early March and will be using CFAI… worked for Level I with one month of studying…


上一主题:Annual Net Cash Flow
下一主题:Are the CFA books worth to keep?