标签: methods

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Level 1 quantitative methods 求解 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 kkkyon 2014-7-3 1 / 23925 dyzhang37 2014-7-8 05:21
梁震宇分享了:2013年12月CFA一级课程 【APF 专业金融学院】 cfaspace 2013-7-10 2 / 26079 congfu 2014-3-1 19:10
求助:alternative的notes上的一道例题 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Matori 2013-9-24 1 / 24471 apf陈老师 2013-9-24 12:09
求助:alternative的notes上的一道例题 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 robjames1984 2013-8-19 1 / 23847 DSquaredSlim 2013-8-19 10:54
CFA Level-1 Script 【CFA学习交流讨论】 rkapoor 2013-8-16 3 / 24035 chandsingh 2013-8-16 21:05
TO RETABULATE OR NOT 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Micholien 2013-8-16 9 / 24744 NakedPuts00 2013-8-16 17:26
Intercorporate Investments - Schweser Mistake 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Analyze_This 2013-4-8 6 / 23852 MythosHF 2013-4-8 21:54
equity CFAI = (3 methods???) 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 mfleming1983 2013-4-8 1 / 23282 mamuka12 2013-4-8 20:19
Equity using equity method vs consolidation 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Kapie 2013-4-4 1 / 23518 rohitdoshi 2013-4-4 08:03
Equity method: just NI and no dividends on parents income? 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 RobertA 2013-4-2 3 / 23885 bcp901 2013-4-2 14:36
Derivatives Essay question 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Gypsy 2013-4-1 2 / 23502 cityboy 2013-4-1 14:38
Equity in acqusition 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Matori 2013-4-1 2 / 23469 firat 2013-4-1 13:10
FRM part 1 core reading:9.monte carlo methods ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 9 【FRM考试资料共享下载】 tycoon 2010-3-14 84 / 34014 allenchen 2012-9-3 15:43
Reading 30: Dividends and Dividend Policy LOS e~ Q1-2 ... 1 2 3 Corporate Finance youzizhang 2009-3-4 26 / 33277 bun789 2012-5-25 14:37
Reading 23: Capital Market Expectations-LOS d Economics tycoon 2008-9-12 6 / 27473 vvicto98 2011-12-22 03:03
Reading 37: Long-lived Assets-LOS e 习题精选 Financial Statement Analysis 1215 2011-3-21 3 / 25362 gaoflex 2011-11-3 11:31
Reading 34: Understanding the Cash Flow Statement - LOS f, ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 11 Financial Statement Analysis mayanfang1 2009-1-17 107 / 41693 gaoflex 2011-10-27 04:25
Reading 29: Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction-LOS Financial Statement Analysis 1215 2011-3-12 4 / 24394 luqian55 2011-9-30 14:55
Reading 16: Organizing Production-LOS d 习题精选 Economics 1215 2011-3-6 5 / 24324 luqian55 2011-9-29 16:36
[求教]L2 3A3B 4C 是否应Retab? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 cestque 2011-7-28 2 / 24236 polymorphic 2011-7-28 09:34
equity method vs acquisition 【CFA学习交流讨论】 grharmeyer 2011-7-13 3 / 23616 llxx 2011-7-13 16:48
FCFF 【CFA学习交流讨论】 YouCanDoIt 2011-7-13 6 / 23726 ramzes 2011-7-13 16:39
Schweser Practice Exam 【CFA学习交流讨论】 YouCanDoIt 2011-7-13 6 / 23670 Wasteoftime 2011-7-13 16:38
Temporal v. Current Method 【CFA学习交流讨论】 jcfa2011 2011-7-13 6 / 23620 ninja1024 2011-7-13 15:58
Avail-for-Sale vs Trading 【CFA学习交流讨论】 bcp901 2011-7-13 4 / 23534 kkn006 2011-7-13 15:58
The person sitting next to me stinks...what to do? ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 bchadwick 2011-7-13 10 / 24702 oneboy 2011-7-13 14:56
Equity and Acquistion Method Question in CFAI Mock Morning ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 HuskyGrad2010 2011-7-13 18 / 24579 spreads 2011-7-13 14:05
IPS: Inflation Rate and Tax, shall I just add them? ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Howd 2011-7-11 11 / 24675 Zestt 2011-7-11 20:09
TempV Current rate method 【CFA学习交流讨论】 mkytz15 2011-7-11 2 / 23438 bdavi77962 2011-7-11 20:04
Equity using equity method vs consolidation 【CFA学习交流讨论】 chunty 2011-7-11 1 / 23649 maryli 2011-7-11 19:40
rates for temporal vs. current method 【CFA学习交流讨论】 noel 2011-7-11 3 / 24421 bbtomato 2011-7-11 19:20
Asset allocation process 【CFA学习交流讨论】 cfalevel2011 2011-7-11 5 / 23790 mp3bu 2011-7-11 19:09
Confusion in Pricing T-Bill 【CFA学习交流讨论】 lxwarr30 2011-7-11 6 / 23869 dece2011 2011-7-11 18:36
advanced macroeconomics or statistical methods? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 MeteorShower 2011-7-11 2 / 23783 ramdabom 2011-7-11 18:36
Formulas for quantitative methods 【CFA学习交流讨论】 nixie24 2011-7-11 3 / 23326 Kiakaha 2011-7-11 18:30
Inventory 【CFA学习交流讨论】 slackeranalyst 2011-7-11 0 / 23349 slackeranalyst 2011-7-11 17:46
Counting Methods 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Jupiter 2011-7-11 0 / 23467 Jupiter 2011-7-11 17:32
SS6 LOS 23c Forecasting tools... 【CFA学习交流讨论】 yuoska 2011-7-11 2 / 23356 Roflnadal 2011-7-11 15:22
Economics: Microeconomic Analysis - Reading 16: Organizing P ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 11 Economics mayanfang1 2008-12-31 101 / 40429 lemongace 2011-6-19 17:28
Reading 62: Option Markets and Contracts Los h~Q1-7 ... 1 2 3 4 Derivatives youzizhang 2009-3-28 34 / 38016 elea0930 2011-6-3 19:15
Reading 21:Intercorporate Investments LOS b ~ Q18-21 ... 1 2 3 4 5 Financial Statement Analysis mayanfang1 2009-1-7 49 / 40250 fengleng 2011-6-1 22:32
Reading 2-V: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guida ... 1 2 Ethical and Standards mayanfang1 2009-1-9 19 / 27992 rawrdinosaur 2011-6-1 02:02
Reading 45: Execution of Portfolio Decisions Los i~Q1-3 ... 1 2 Portfolio Management youzizhang 2009-4-10 18 / 26483 rawrdinosaur 2011-5-29 20:12
Reading 37: Equity: Concepts and Techniques- LOS e~ Q1-7 ... 1 2 3 Equity wzaina 2009-3-6 25 / 27399 elea0930 2011-5-27 14:21
Reading 37: Equity: Concepts and Techniques- LOS a~ Q1-5 ... 1 2 3 4 Equity wzaina 2009-3-6 35 / 28836 elea0930 2011-5-27 00:22
Reading 36: Inventories-LOS b 习题精选 Financial Statement Analysis 1215 2011-3-21 3 / 24684 kkykeith 2011-5-17 12:55
Reading 58: Overview of Equity Securities-LOS e 习题精选 Equity 1215 2011-3-30 0 / 25446 1215 2011-3-30 11:18
[CFA level 1模拟真题]Version 5 Questions-Q37 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 【CFA一级试题精选】 cfaedu 2007-10-25 50 / 33034 rouroude 2011-3-25 15:54
Reading 62: Option Markets and Contracts-LOS h 习题精选 Derivatives 1215 2011-3-25 6 / 25753 1215 2011-3-25 14:09
Reading 47: Dividends and Share Repurchases: Basics-LOS c 习 Corporate Finance 1215 2011-3-24 4 / 25653 1215 2011-3-24 14:37