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上海的朋友,是不是我们的准考证还不可以打印啊 【CFA学习交流讨论】 jackchou 2010-5-4 2 / 24041 realalley 2010-5-5 13:45
[ 2009 Mock Exam (PM) ] Equity Investments .Questions 37-42 【CFA一级试题精选】 bingning 2009-7-2 3 / 24106 mmao 2010-5-5 03:56
[ 2009 Mock Exam (PM) ] Alternative Investments .Questions 7-12 【CFA一级试题精选】 bingning 2009-7-1 3 / 24390 mmao 2010-5-5 03:48
[ 2009 Mock Exam (PM) ] Financial Statement Analysis .Questions 19-24 【CFA一级试题精选】 bingning 2009-7-1 2 / 24802 izziepan 2010-5-4 17:36
[ 2009 Mock Exam (PM) ] Derivative Investments .Questions 49-54 【CFA一级试题精选】 bingning 2009-7-2 4 / 25333 izziepan 2010-5-4 17:36
请教一道level 2中portfolio的问题 【CFA学习交流讨论】 qiqihe 2010-5-3 4 / 24292 qiqihe 2010-5-3 20:15
SAS、S-PLUS、SPSS详细比较 ... 1 2 【SPSS、SAS、SPLUS专区】 xiaoxiao 2005-12-16 15 / 29841 qq99jj 2010-5-2 02:32
[原创]谢国忠【提醒】周四必须出仓的股票{散户必看} 【并购与重组】 vfdgdf 2010-4-29 0 / 23823 vfdgdf 2010-4-29 14:02
Reading 10: Sampling and Estimation LOSg习题精选 Quantitative honeycfa 2010-4-16 2 / 23928 zaestau 2010-4-29 10:33
Reading 37: Long-Lived Assets LOShd习题精选 Financial Statement Analysis honeycfa 2010-4-20 4 / 24504 shxjm 2010-4-29 09:50
Reading 37: Long-Lived Assets LOShB习题精选 ... 1 2 Financial Statement Analysis honeycfa 2010-4-20 16 / 25728 shxjm 2010-4-29 09:49
Reading 23: Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand LOSD习题精选 Economics honeycfa 2010-4-17 4 / 24482 shxjm 2010-4-27 17:38
Reading 8: Probability Concepts-LOS o, (Part 1)习题精选 Quantitative bmaggie 2010-4-12 6 / 24433 zaestau 2010-4-26 23:36
Reading 8: Probability Concepts-LOS f, (Part 3)习题精选 ... 1 2 Quantitative bmaggie 2010-4-12 13 / 25686 zaestau 2010-4-26 23:31
Reading 71: Swap Markets and Contracts LOSa习题精选 ... 1 2 3 Derivative Investments honeycfa 2010-4-26 25 / 26823 honeycfa 2010-4-26 14:47
Reading 70: Option Markets and Contracts LOSa习题精选 ... 1 2 Derivative Investments honeycfa 2010-4-26 19 / 26123 honeycfa 2010-4-26 14:17
Reading 69: Futures Markets and Contracts LOSb习题精选 Derivative Investments honeycfa 2010-4-26 9 / 24546 honeycfa 2010-4-26 14:10
Reading 66: Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate ... 1 2 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-26 18 / 25904 honeycfa 2010-4-26 11:18
Reading 66: Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-26 7 / 24507 honeycfa 2010-4-26 11:11
Reading 66: Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate ... 1 2 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 10 / 25366 honeycfa 2010-4-26 11:08
Reading 66: Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 0 / 24072 honeycfa 2010-4-25 20:22
Reading 66: Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 2 / 24545 honeycfa 2010-4-25 19:49
Reading 65: Yield Measures, Spot Rates, and Forward Rates LO Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 3 / 24326 honeycfa 2010-4-25 19:41
Reading 65: Yield Measures, Spot Rates, and Forward Rates LO Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 7 / 24650 honeycfa 2010-4-25 19:24
Reading 64: Introduction to the Valuation of Debt Securities Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 5 / 24443 honeycfa 2010-4-25 13:44
Reading 64: Introduction to the Valuation of Debt Securities ... 1 2 3 4 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 35 / 28246 honeycfa 2010-4-25 13:41
Reading 63: Understanding Yield Spreads LOS i习题精选 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 5 / 24503 honeycfa 2010-4-25 13:07
Reading 63: Understanding Yield Spreads LOS h习题精选 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 1 / 24395 honeycfa 2010-4-25 13:04
Reading 63: Understanding Yield Spreads LOS b习题精选 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-25 6 / 24740 honeycfa 2010-4-25 12:50
L3问题_请教关于structure notes的hedging strategy 【CFA学习交流讨论】 julia777 2010-4-14 1 / 24250 bigboylht 2010-4-25 01:49
Reading 62: Overview of Bond Sectors and Instruments LOS d习 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-24 7 / 24334 honeycfa 2010-4-24 22:01
Reading 61: Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds LOS 0:习 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-24 3 / 24441 honeycfa 2010-4-24 11:01
Reading 61: Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds LOsm习题 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-24 4 / 24327 honeycfa 2010-4-24 10:55
Reading 61: Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds LOsl习题 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-24 5 / 24664 honeycfa 2010-4-24 10:53
Reading 61: Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds LOj习题 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-24 7 / 24193 honeycfa 2010-4-24 10:49
Reading 61: Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds LOSh习题 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-24 3 / 24248 honeycfa 2010-4-24 10:34
[原创]周一拉升(上海辅仁/600078) 交流腾讯86072931 【并购与重组】 frzq88 2010-4-23 0 / 23687 frzq88 2010-4-23 21:48
[原创]4月26日(上海辅仁/600781)必涨 【并购与重组】 shenli8 2010-4-23 0 / 23591 shenli8 2010-4-23 18:34
Reading 61: Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds LOSc习题 ... 1 2 3 Equity honeycfa 2010-4-23 20 / 27507 honeycfa 2010-4-23 12:53
Reading 61: Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds LOSb习题 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-23 4 / 24575 honeycfa 2010-4-23 11:38
Reading 60: Features of Debt Securities LOSa习题精选 Fixed Income honeycfa 2010-4-23 3 / 24237 honeycfa 2010-4-23 11:18
Reading 58: Company Analysis and Stock Valuation LOSa习题精 Equity honeycfa 2010-4-23 2 / 24407 honeycfa 2010-4-23 11:01
Asset Valuation(资产估价)相关习题30 ... 1 2 3 4 Equity cfaspace 2006-4-27 39 / 30323 jiageiwangzi 2010-4-23 09:55
Reading 64: Portfolio Concepts-LOS N习题精选 Portfolio Management honeycfa 2010-4-14 8 / 24374 solitute 2010-4-23 09:52
[原创]4月23号:宁波富邦(600768)100%必涨:加入丘:98746177 【并购与重组】 宝达证券 2010-4-22 0 / 23637 宝达证券 2010-4-22 17:34
Reading 54: Efficient Capital Markets LOSc习题精选 ... 1 2 Equity honeycfa 2010-4-22 15 / 26313 honeycfa 2010-4-22 14:42
[原创]股指小幅震荡回落 传媒电力表现较好 【并购与重组】 frzq88 2010-4-22 0 / 23554 frzq88 2010-4-22 11:38
Reading 53: Security-Market Indices LOS a习题精选 Equity honeycfa 2010-4-22 6 / 24730 honeycfa 2010-4-22 11:18
Reading 60: Option Markets and Contracts-LOS f 习题精选 Corporate Finance 土豆妮 2010-4-22 4 / 24417 土豆妮 2010-4-22 10:57
Reading 60: Option Markets and Contracts-LOS e 习题精选 Corporate Finance 土豆妮 2010-4-22 6 / 24834 土豆妮 2010-4-22 10:55