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菜鸟问一道关于Mortgage的问题 CFA level1
reference: CFA Lvevel 1 Scheweser notes 5 page14 是关于home mortgage 的一个问题
" if the borrowers sells the home or auto, she is required to pay the loan off in full."
我查看了home mortgage 的定义: a loan secured by the collateral of some specified real estate property which obliges the borrower to make a predetermined serious of payments.
我的问题是: 既然mortgage已经是银行(lender)的collateral, 为什么说borrower(issuer)sells the home or auto.
难道就算是抵押的东西, borrowers也可以拿去卖吗?
本人没有什么实际经验, 所以不是很懂, 希望要明白的人给予指点。
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