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Quant: SEE and RMSE 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 strikethree 2013-4-29 1 / 23839 mfleming1983 2013-4-29 07:31
Questions CFA lvl 1 Curriculum 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 pawn 2013-4-28 3 / 23711 draz 2013-4-28 11:26
Credit Options Question 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 malbec 2013-4-12 3 / 23737 adehbone 2013-4-12 23:22
Another 'wording' question - adjustment for operating lease 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 TheMBAGlover 2013-4-10 1 / 23495 strikethree 2013-4-10 17:40
菜鸟问一道关于Mortgage的问题 CFA level1 【CFA学习交流讨论】 studyn 2012-6-6 2 / 23802 Swanand 2012-6-6 09:28
Reading 66: Introduction to the Measurement of Interest R ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 8 Fixed Income yangh 2009-3-5 74 / 44098 gaoflex 2011-10-5 10:34
Interest rates? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 simeezee 2011-7-13 4 / 23500 koba 2011-7-13 16:35
Emerging mkt, required return? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 chunty 2011-7-13 0 / 23371 chunty 2011-7-13 16:08
If not specified: IFRS or US GAAP 【CFA学习交流讨论】 meghanjackson 2011-7-13 2 / 23292 maryli 2011-7-13 13:44
F-test p-value, simple question... 【CFA学习交流讨论】 lunarfollies 2011-7-13 6 / 24081 Uranus08 2011-7-13 13:37
Types of Benchmarks 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Chuckrox8 2011-7-11 1 / 23529 thommo77 2011-7-11 19:57
Core-satellite % 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Muddahudda 2011-7-11 4 / 23724 justin88 2011-7-11 19:56
credit spread 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Howd 2011-7-11 0 / 23043 Howd 2011-7-11 19:41
Another 'wording' question - adjustment for operating lease 【CFA学习交流讨论】 mdfb79 2011-7-11 1 / 23318 needhelp1700 2011-7-11 19:39
confused about watchlist 【CFA学习交流讨论】 manchester88 2011-7-11 5 / 23771 nitoha 2011-7-11 18:03
Reading 31: Fixed-Income Portfolio Management—Part II- L ... 1 2 3 Asset Valuation wzaina 2009-3-6 20 / 31360 rawrdinosaur 2011-5-31 18:54
Reading 41: Currency Risk Management Los i~Q1-3 ... 1 2 3 Asset Valuation youzizhang 2009-4-8 23 / 27055 rawrdinosaur 2011-5-30 19:44
Reading 26: Asset Allocation LOS g~ Q1-3 ... 1 2 3 Portfolio Management youzizhang 2009-3-5 20 / 27385 rawrdinosaur 2011-5-29 03:29
Reading 67: Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate ... 1 2 Fixed Income 1215 2011-3-30 10 / 26779 1215 2011-3-30 16:21
Reading 67: Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate Fixed Income 1215 2011-3-30 8 / 24726 1215 2011-3-30 16:13
[CFA level 1模拟真题]Version 2 Questions-Q41 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 【CFA一级试题精选】 cfaedu 2007-11-5 50 / 31270 xxjj564 2011-3-6 18:16
Reading 9: Common Probability Distributions-LOS b 习题精选 Quantitative 1215 2011-3-4 2 / 23995 1215 2011-3-4 13:39
Reading 7: Statistical Concepts and Market Returns-LOS h 习题 Quantitative 1215 2011-3-1 4 / 24265 1215 2011-3-1 14:41
CFA Level 1 - 模考试题(2)(PM) Q116-120 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 19 【CFA一级试题精选】 mayanfang1 2008-5-26 184 / 44514 cat2011 2011-1-18 00:47
Reading 7: Statistical Concepts and Market Returns-LOS h习题 ... 1 2 Quantitative bmaggie 2010-4-9 11 / 25691 kison 2010-8-24 21:11
Reading 10: Prudence in Perspective - LOS b ~ Q6-10 ... 1 2 3 4 Ethical and Standards mayanfang1 2009-1-8 36 / 28822 wendyshure 2010-6-1 21:31
Reading 9: Common Probability Distributions LOS b习题精选 Quantitative honeycfa 2010-4-15 2 / 24062 honeycfa 2010-4-15 22:42
Reading 25: Asset Allocation-LOS g Portfolio Management tycoon 2008-9-17 6 / 24391 tycoon 2008-9-17 10:51
每日一练F3 答案回复可见 【ACCA 答疑解惑】 sunlimei 2008-5-13 2 / 24021 dlzql 2008-6-11 13:41
每日一练F3 答案回复可见 【ACCA 答疑解惑】 小果子 2008-4-24 0 / 23636 小果子 2008-4-24 21:51
Describe the set of possible outcomes of a specified random variable 【CFA学习交流讨论】 eyiqiong 2006-5-5 2 / 24316 xuzhengid 2006-6-8 14:55