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Status check -- where are you?

Haven't posted much since level II… hope you all are coming along in your studies. Just curious where you guys and gals are in terms of reading (curriculum or schweser/stalla), EOCs, practice tests, approximate hours logged etc...

I've taken the same approach as Level I and II. Stalla videos, Stalla study guides and EOCs, and CFAi EOCs. Also, made note cards for main concepts, definitions, and formulas.

I’m finishing up GIPs by Friday and will take my first Schweser Mock on Saturday (reality check time). For Level I in 2009 I logged roughly ~420 hours, Level II in 2010 roughly ~340 hours, and Level III just surpassed ~200 hours and hoping to log 100-125 this last month. Wish I would have done more, but plan to turn it up a notch for the final month and hope it will be enough.

上一主题:Audio mp3 recommendations
下一主题:Ch 21 Example 5, iii