上一主题:CFAI Vol. II, Reading 22, EOC 4 (and) 5 (pg 486/487)
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That questions you'll always remember....

Unfortunately we can’t directly talk about the questions, but I’ve taken the test 3 times now and each time I remember at least 1 question that I won’t forget for the rest of my life. Its funny because the two questions I do remember have continually showed up on the exam. I guess 237 more times til I ace this thing.
Anyways this time around my question was in Economics and I’ll remember it because it messed me up on not 1 but TWO questions because of it. I got in my car and realized what I had done and felt stupid.
That’s another sore subject, out of all the questions CFA can ask, they ask 2 questions on the same exact concept. They did this back in December, except it was 3 instead of 2. Frustrating.
Anyways, anyone else feel the same regarding a specific question?

上一主题:CFAI Vol. II, Reading 22, EOC 4 (and) 5 (pg 486/487)
下一主题:Schweser Review Courses