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Hello Mister Walrus Wrote:
> MillowQc, thank you for your truly inspirational
> message. Before today, I used to cry myself to
> sleep thinking that I would go nowhere in this
> world. However, after reading your life-changing
> post, I now have renewed confidence that I too can
> pass the CFA Level 1 exam, a task so
> unsurmountable that it has been compared to
> climbing Mt. Everest or landing a space craft on
> Mars.
> Please share more information with us so that we
> can learn from your sparkling example:
> 1) What kind of sleep habits do you have? What are
> your sleeping hours, and what position and clothes
> do you employ while asleep? On your side? Or
> laying on your back? Do you wear pyjamas,
> underwear or nothing at all?
> 2) What food do you eat? Please comment on taste,
> texture, and nutritional composition. I have heard
> that a glass of red wine a day is good for your
> health. Is this true from your experience, and how
> will drinking a glass of red wine a day change my
> probability of passing the CFA Level 3 exam?
> 3) What are your favorite TV shows? "Friends" got
> kind of weird towards the end with all the
> characters hooking up. Battlestar Galactica was a
> good show and it's too bad that it ended. Please
> let us know how the TV shows that you watched
> affected your mental disposition and your attitude
> towards the difficult CFA Level 1 examination.
> 4) If a lion fought a grizzly bear, who would win?
> What about if a lion and tiger had sex and
> produced an offspring. Would this offspring be
> able to defeat the grizzly bear? By "grizzly
> bear", I mean an actual bear, not a large Russian
> man with excessive body hair. The answer to this
> question will reveal key insights into your
> personality that will enlighten us all.
> Thank you again for your brilliant insights to
> this test. You should write a book about your
> experiences or better yet, start a day time TV
> show. The world must know about this.

lol you're such an ass HMW, but i love your comments

