下一主题:Convertible Debentures Valuation
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I’m not trying to bash you.  They are clearly trying to keep questions from leaking out into the general public and avoid a compendium of “here are the questions that were asked on the CFA exam for the last 10 years, so you can memorize the process for answering each one.”  So I was trying to figure out if you genuinely couldn’t understand their interest in that, or if you were just trying to get them to change their minds about it.
Perhaps you underestimate the difficulty of creating good test questions, which is easy to do if you’ve never tried to design an examination.  It’s a lot more difficult than it looks.  It’s got to capture the concept, be doable in a reasonable amount of time, tricky enough that some proportion of awake candidates will fail it, and you have to have “wrong answers” that a candidate might reasonably get to.  By the time you put on all these constraints, it’s actually quite difficult to do.  Throw in the logistics of creating a globally distributed exam all given on the same day, and you need to have a lot of control over that process.
You might notice that the test providers often have questions that are harder to understand and figure out what they want.  With CFAI questions, you may not know or remember how to get the answer, but you do know pretty clearly what they are asking you to do.  With study provider folk, not nearly as often.  That’s the difference that being careful about this stuff makes.  And with 10’s of 1000s of people taking the exam, the stakes on clear quesitons that are challenging and measure what is being studied are high.


下一主题:Convertible Debentures Valuation