上一主题:MBS valuation using Monte carlo simulations
下一主题:Exam Checklist
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I feel you guys pain and going through the same kind of thinking. I am a retaker as well, so it's like I'm battling the curriculum and a bit of a confidence problem as well.
I'm doing my best to remember that if I get a bad score, it's just my preparation or a mock exam doing EXACTLY what it is supposed to do at this point. That is communicating to me where I probably just need review to stay where I'm at and not loose ground, and other areas that need a little more work to bring them up to speed.

That sinking feeling in my gut when I come up on something and it feels like, I should know this with as much time as I have spent studying at this point but I feel like I'm reading a vcr programming manual for beta max in mandarin chinese....... sucks a big fat hairy sweaty black one.


上一主题:MBS valuation using Monte carlo simulations
下一主题:Exam Checklist