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JP_RL_CFA, totally agree with you, great books that may be useful even after L3 pass


I think it's a great idea to re-read the curriculum if that's what you want to do. Now that you've taken the exam, re-reading under a relaxed environment can really help to firm the ideas. Even if you don't have to take the exam again, some of the information is great to know. I can't tell you how many times at the last job I had something from the level 3 curriculum came up and I was able to respond, because of the studying I'd done. So go for it!

I have my books down in my basement, where they are undergoing slow torture .... mwah hahahahaha


My CFA textbooks and Schweser material are all in the office. I mostly don't want them to take up space at home. Maybe I am your coworker.


What is everyone doing with their books? I literally have a bookshelf (a small one) filled with my Schweser and CFAI materials. Some guys here keep their Schweser stuff in their offices at work, but I don't know if I want to do that...


ohai Wrote:
> Captain Britain??
> Ok, but to the point... if you like the material
> and don't have anything else to do, then sure -
> why not read the books again? I would rather be
> raped by a giant scorpion than read CFA books
> again right after the test. But I guess everyone
> is different.



I feel the same way. I have packed all my books and ready to donate to a library this weekend.

Pass or fail, I can't bear the thought of opening them again.


Captain Britain??

Ok, but to the point... if you like the material and don't have anything else to do, then sure - why not read the books again? I would rather be raped by a giant scorpion than read CFA books again right after the test. But I guess everyone is different.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Friday, June 10, 2011 at 01:38AM by ohai.


If you like it do it.

However, I would wait until August. I'm sure if I don't pass it will be a tremendous amount of motivation for me. I put in a ton of work, but I always feel I can put in more.


上一主题:Breakfast on the 5th
下一主题:is there any criteria to pass Ethics section separately