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Are the CFA books worth to keep?

I have stayed in the US for past couple of years which includes the time that I studied for all three levels of the CFA exams.
Now I am planning to go back to my home country, and among my personal stuff, those books - CFA curriculum and schwesers books for all three levels, about 30 books with 300 pages each - are the heaviest and they cost a lot of money to ship.
I barely use them and the only reason to keep them would be to remind myself of the time that I studied hard and get motivated. Should I keep them or not..?

donate them to the local library


Use them as a cheap stand for your computer monitor…


For Pete’s sake, keep them!  When I passed the CPA exam in my country, I gave away all my books.  Now, I regret that.  Hope that you won’t have the same regret.  Reason being, at some point, you will need them for a specific topic that you have long forgotten.  And believe me, it pays to have recalled a certain topic by reading back from its source.
Have those books couriered to your home town rather than pack them up together with your goodies.  That extra cost will be worth it. =)
+1 on Babsfrey.  Add them to your memorabilia =)


I will ship those books if I must. It will be nice to have grand kids pouring over my books, thinking how great grand  dad was in his days.
My original markings and all will mean something to those little kids…….


I could not part with my books.  There is way to much blood sweat and tears in those things, although I don’t think I would ship them overseas.


I use my level 2 books for reference - especially the equity book.  It’s been handy for reference.  I’d definitely recommend keeping the books since you already have them.


I think I would keep FI, Derivatives and Equity with me.. But definitely not worth shipping it across for sure!


I suggest you be selective and keep the Econ and Quant & Fixed income for L1 and L2, Equities of L II. If you had Stalla material the L 1 Question bank CD was awesome but I suppose it must have expired now. If you have stalla material then keep the FRA for L 1 and of course Peter Olinto’s invigorating sessions. The L III material is entirely your discretion.
The authors of Econ and Fixed Income were simply gr8 Miachel Parkin and Frank Fabozzi. You cant imagine chucking out the books of these Stalwarts.  I would keep them for my whole financial career.


I generally recommend that people keep L2 & L3 CFAI books if they have the space, as they can serve as a useful reference source.  Shipping them overseas at great expense is probably not worth it though.

