标签: personal

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level 1 mock 51第7题 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 JustasS 2013-9-12 1 / 24064 apf薛老师 2013-9-12 14:15
Personal notes - Level 3 【CFA学习交流讨论】 tyc633 2013-9-1 3 / 24070 tyc633 2013-9-2 22:20
Are the CFA books worth to keep? ... 1 2 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 chetan86 2013-8-16 15 / 25294 Iginla2010 2013-8-16 13:20
Whistleblowing if Member/Candidate is Falsely accused? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 shootingstar 2013-8-7 3 / 24423 random_walker47 2013-8-7 04:00
Withdrew from June 2013 - can I register for June 2014? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 ashycal 2013-8-6 6 / 24000 mp3bu 2013-8-6 11:25
Revised Ethics Question 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Kapie 2013-5-3 1 / 24100 malbec 2013-5-3 15:41
Need some quick advice! Equity analyst interview 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 cfa10yrplan 2013-4-28 3 / 23660 hassan 2013-4-28 07:45
Interview Question: Greatest Achievement 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Sunshine4ever 2013-4-22 0 / 23474 Sunshine4ever 2013-4-22 05:22
How Old are some of these readings 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 xilinx_altera 2013-4-17 2 / 23526 kseniaru 2013-4-17 17:34
Schweser Mock Exam 1 Morning #11 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 whew1110 2013-4-3 2 / 23512 atate2007 2013-4-3 22:52
Ips: real estate in the asset base 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 krause2 2013-4-3 2 / 23432 needhelp1700 2013-4-3 20:17
Schweser Review Courses 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 yospaghetti 2013-4-2 1 / 23421 DoubleDip 2013-4-2 11:51
IPS - Estate Planning and Unique Circumstances 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 atate2007 2013-4-1 2 / 23659 lunarfollies 2013-4-1 14:29
code of ethics 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 simeezee 2013-3-30 2 / 23551 anshultongia 2013-3-30 20:52
Quick Ethics question 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Kiakaha 2013-3-30 1 / 23281 kingstongal 2013-3-30 20:41
请教个 CFA ethics 关于family account的问题 【CFA学习交流讨论】 clearlycanadian 2012-6-6 0 / 23820 clearlycanadian 2012-6-6 09:31
Nike Free 5.0 V4 Blue Black 【CFA学习交流讨论】 chadw65i 2012-5-20 0 / 23666 chadw65i 2012-5-20 14:05
Avg. Return and Std. Deviation for Equity Indices 【CFA学习交流讨论】 gjcxc 2011-10-14 2 / 24167 eucbrwqt 2012-1-8 04:11
Alternative Mutual Funds 【CFA学习交流讨论】 scr879 2011-10-8 4 / 24067 bodhisattva 2011-10-8 03:01
Interview Question: Greatest Achievement ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 FVPV 2011-10-6 10 / 25214 iteracom 2011-10-6 03:36
WARNING: Re: ONE WEEK ONLY! Personal Study Notes Posted Again new ... 1 2 3 【CFA学习交流讨论】 jawz 2011-8-24 24 / 26210 chandsingh 2011-8-24 15:07
新人求教!如何修改personal profile里的government issued id# 【CFA学习交流讨论】 applepie707 2010-2-9 1 / 25264 sweetgirl 2011-8-15 16:52
WARNING: Re: ONE WEEK ONLY! Personal Study Notes Posted Again new ... 1 2 3 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Foufou 2011-8-15 23 / 26077 jcole21 2011-8-15 13:01
Length of Study, Level2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Beatnik 2011-8-15 9 / 24527 lunarfollies 2011-8-15 08:18
Round 2, Fight. ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Mechanic 2011-7-27 12 / 24492 luckygiftvn 2011-7-27 13:58
A second opinion, please. ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 ikoreaii 2011-7-21 14 / 25013 dyga 2011-7-21 17:00
A second opinion, please. ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 jcole21 2011-7-13 16 / 25213 lcai 2011-7-13 16:56
Round 2, Fight. 【CFA学习交流讨论】 fructify 2011-7-13 9 / 23519 ramzes 2011-7-13 16:44
Corporate Governance Risks 【CFA学习交流讨论】 AnalystAlan 2011-7-13 1 / 23392 ninja1024 2011-7-13 16:33
Will we see this type of question in exam? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 cyber21 2011-7-13 4 / 23818 Kiakaha 2011-7-13 16:11
cfa study material and withdrawl 【CFA学习交流讨论】 towardsutopia21 2011-7-13 6 / 23812 sgupta0827 2011-7-13 13:21
Personal study notes available for 1 week ... 1 2 3 【CFA学习交流讨论】 slackeranalyst 2011-7-13 24 / 25367 cyber21 2011-7-13 13:14
IPS assumptions 【CFA学习交流讨论】 LBriscoe 2011-7-11 0 / 23211 LBriscoe 2011-7-11 19:55
ethic Q 【CFA学习交流讨论】 zbird2134 2011-7-11 4 / 23676 bdavi77962 2011-7-11 19:47
Monte Carlo simulation vs deterministic approaches 【CFA学习交流讨论】 NakedPuts 2011-7-11 2 / 23716 mik82 2011-7-11 19:35
Vol1 Ethics P152 【CFA学习交流讨论】 pimpineasy 2011-7-11 2 / 23429 jmh530 2011-7-11 19:09
IPS - Estate Planning and Unique Circumstances 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Wendy01 2011-7-11 0 / 23376 Wendy01 2011-7-11 18:58
Where do we get our exam tickets? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 richer 2011-7-11 0 / 23319 richer 2011-7-11 17:45
Urgently borrowing level II CFAI books - Washington DC area 【CFA学习交流讨论】 DoubleDip 2011-7-11 6 / 23702 liangfeng 2011-7-11 15:25
Change in personal belongings policy 【CFA学习交流讨论】 richer1983 2011-7-11 2 / 23712 marsilni 2011-7-11 15:15
Reading 20: Human Capital, Asset Allocation, and Life Insur ... 1 2 3 Portfolio Management mayanfang1 2009-1-20 24 / 32982 luqian55 2011-5-31 09:54
Private Wealth Management - Reading 16: Multiple Asset Loca ... 1 2 Portfolio Management mayanfang1 2009-1-20 16 / 25659 deqiang 2011-5-29 23:39
Reading 1: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Co ... 1 2 Ethical and Standards mayanfang1 2009-1-5 15 / 25218 luqian55 2011-5-28 11:51
Reading 29: Capital Structure and Leverage LOS g~ Q1-10 ... 1 2 3 Corporate Finance youzizhang 2009-3-4 25 / 32421 梅子绿茶 2011-5-23 09:57
[求助]一道ethic题目 【CFA学习交流讨论】 wyy2010 2011-5-20 2 / 24114 leoye3602679 2011-5-21 05:35
Reading 2-VI: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guida ... 1 2 3 Ethical and Standards mayanfang1 2009-1-12 22 / 27312 malesword1 2011-4-27 13:14
Reading 1:Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Condu ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 20 Ethical and Standards mayanfang1 2008-12-29 194 / 48823 祈愿修神 2011-4-2 10:19
Reading 50: The Corporate Governance of Listed Companies: A Corporate Finance 1215 2011-3-24 1 / 26097 1215 2011-3-24 15:25
【求助】注册信息修改 ≡ ACCA学习交流区 ≡ ymtianya 2011-3-19 1 / 24161 bingning 2011-3-21 10:02
[原创]f6-2010年10月考官文章-personal reliefs ... 1 2 【ACCA 资料共享下载】 bingning 2010-11-3 14 / 24238 wskwfn2007 2011-3-21 01:44