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Types of Benchmarks

First Remember : properties of a valid benchmark are : Unambiguous, appropriate, investable, owned, reflective of current investment opinion, specified in advance, measurable .


Absolute - are not investable.

Managers universes: not Measurable ( Remember M for M)

Broad Market Indexes:they are investable, measurable , and may be specified in advance. May be acceptable as a benchmark if manager selects securities similar to the benchmark. However, sometimes the manager's style may deviate from the style reflected in the market index.

Style Indexes- some style indexes may weight securities and economic sectors much larger than what managers may consider prudent.

Factor Model Based- good because they capture systematic source of return. However, managers rarely think in terms of factor of exposure. Also, They are ambiguous: can build many benchmarks with same factor exposure and each one will have a different return.

Returns- Based. Good when only available information is returns. Disadvantages ( like style indexes), may weight securities and economic sectors much larger than what managers may consider prudent. ANd require many months of observation.

Custom Security Based: meets all of the benchmark validity criteria. BUT expensive to construct and maintain + not composed of published indexes - lack of transparency.

Remember SAMURAI

S pecificed in advance
A pproriate
M easurable
U nambiguous
R eflective of current investment opinion
A ccountable
I nvestible

