上一主题:Forward Rates
下一主题:Ethics--definitely two item sets in the PM?
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I had the most bizarre experience on the L3 exam. The guy beside me (another L3 writer) asked if the second half is only multiple choice. I looked at him wondering how the hell he could not know the answer to that question and be sitting for the exam.

I told him yes and didn't ask. Then he proceeded to continue glancing in my direction during the PM session. I could just be paranoid but I think he was trying to copy my answers. So I covered my paper so that he couldn't see it. Bastard. What the hell was with that.


In India, we have only 1 center- in Mumbai from where 7600 guys had appeared.


Level 1 has always had the highest enrollment. I think this year was at or close to a record, being that India is now on the map. I thought I remember seeing something about 80,000+ in India alone this year.


The most ever CFA candidates wrote the exam on the weekend. 128,600 total I think- most of them probably level 1.


The 4 guys around me had an aggregate of 100 hours of studying and were trying to "get into finance." Two were college kids, one of which was a theology major!


上一主题:Forward Rates
下一主题:Ethics--definitely two item sets in the PM?