上一主题:Riddle me this - Interest Rate Floor...
下一主题:Extra CFA Style Mock Exams
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Easier than I expected it to be, but that doesn't mean I thought it was easy.

I thought I had a 50% chance of passing until I read all the testimonies on here referring to the numerous curveballs that were on the exam. I noticed 3 or 4 which is far less than others were seeing, so I've since ratcheted my chances down to 20%.


I thought it was a pretty fair test overall. Tested the concepts that were in the book, and I think if you really read the book closely, you would have done well.

I thought it was easier than mocks. But I may have just fallen for the traps. Who knows...


上一主题:Riddle me this - Interest Rate Floor...
下一主题:Extra CFA Style Mock Exams