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问一个CFA LII Derivative notes上的题

notes上第11题,关于value of fixed and floating payA bank entered into a $5,000,000, 1-year equity swap with quarterly payments 300 years ago.  The bank agreed to pay an annual fixed rate of 4% and receive the return on an international equity index.  The index was trading at 3,000 at the end of the third quarter, 30 days ago.  The current 60-day LIBOR rate is 3.6%, the discount factor is 0.9940, and the index is now at 3,150.  The value of the swap to the bank is closest to.

答案上 value of fixed pay 是0.9940*5,055,000, 我不理解的是为什么在end of the third quater,为什么是5,000,000 * 1.01, 而不是5,000,000 *1.01^3.




上一主题:CFA level 2 Multinational OperationsChallenge Question
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