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I wanted to add that I felt that difficulty level was almost the same in both sessions but I did get the afternoon session done quicker than the morning session.


I suspect a Band 9-10 fail for myself, a pass will be a pleasant surprise. I was done in 2.5 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon. Thats more  a reflection of my exam writing style than anything else. I refuse to double check answers and only make sure that I filled in all of the bubbles at the end. If I don’t have a clue how to do something, I remove the answers that I can and take a logical guess if possible then move on. Did anybody hear the story on the Toronto news about students ditching their cars on the 401 to make it there in time? I just heard from the other room but I thought they said 40 cars were abandoned on the side of the road because they were going to be late.


I believe the afternoon was the less difficult of the two sessions.
I felt that the real exam was comparable in terms of difficulty to the Schweser mocks, and I believe slightly less difficult than the CFAI mock exam. I think the real exam was very well worded – I don’t think there was a single question where I was confused in regard to what it was asking. It was better written than the other mocks out there.
The thing that stood out to me the most was how many hours I spent studying certain topics that didn’t even show up on the exam! There were lots!


I thought the morning session was a bit harder than the afternoon session.  I seemed to fly right through the afternoon session without ever second-guessing any of my answers as I did during the morning session.   
Overall, I agree that the exam seemed to be slightly less difficult than the CFAI mock; however, I say that and I may have failed the test, there’s no telling until the results are released.   
What is the exact date the exam results are released?


Traffic in toronto was horrible, not surprising given where they held it this year though. In previous years it was downtown, more accessible by subway, but this year everyone had to drive to get there. I’m definitely planning on complaining.  
I don’t think I want to speculate on how I did, I did find it easier than the cfa mock exams though.  And I finished early in both am and pm, where with the mocks I was over in both.


I agree with the Traffic issue on Saturday, it was quite bad.
In terms of the exam, I strongly felt the afternoon session was way easier for me, I finished within my regular time.  I found the exam more tricky than tough in comparison to the CFAI Mocks.
Good luck to everyone, I really hope I passed and you all as well!


I got there like 8:15, I was stuck in the traffic  right outside the building for a while


I thought the morning session was easier than the afternoon. But that might of been to exhaustion halfway through the afternoon session. I will say that it was a fair exam and the questions were worded well.


I felt good about the morning exam until I took the afternoon exam and realized that that is how easy it should feel. The actual test taking time was 6 hours, but I arrived at 8 like they asked and didn’t get out unti 5:30. There was a lot of downtime in think about shit.


I think CFAI mock was easier than real one, so hoping that will get good score as I did in mock. were some tricky questions but in overall don’t think it was tricky, so comments saying that it was tricky frightening me because may be I did not understand questions properly,
after exam was feeling that I passed but while time is passing worries about exam results becomes stronger

