标签: testing

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有无2014cfai出的mock exam的可以打印的版本? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 cinderellawang 2014-4-27 1 / 24551 apf_cfaspace 2014-4-29 09:43
cfa一级- statistics ---- 关于考到什么程度的问题 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 andytrader 2013-8-18 2 / 24381 fishmarket 2013-8-18 13:31
Would you tell your employer that you are going for the CFA ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 smartpants 2013-8-16 13 / 25454 Howd 2013-8-16 11:43
Reading 13 - time series analysis: stationarity and mean rev 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 edgeon 2013-5-3 1 / 23676 MonkeyBusiness 2013-5-3 05:44
Schweser Q 1853 Hyphotesis testing 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 ba736 2013-4-6 2 / 23804 evolsteevol 2013-4-6 22:37
simple hypothesis setup question 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 siavosh 2013-4-5 0 / 23595 siavosh 2013-4-5 11:33
which concept is this question testing? 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 defour44 2013-4-4 1 / 23473 prav_Cfa7 2013-4-4 18:11
Schweser Question 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 giakhanh39 2013-4-2 4 / 24030 dontknow1987 2013-4-2 11:55
may I leave the exam early? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 sabre 2013-3-31 1 / 23397 malbec 2013-3-31 17:44
can I bring a BAG to the test? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 cmacedo 2013-3-31 2 / 23366 chandsingh 2013-3-31 17:43
Quantitative Methods 【Reading 11】Sample ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 9 Quantitative Mechanic 2012-3-22 84 / 52359 terpsichorefan 2013-3-20 02:09
关于高盛高华可转公司债的项目实习的咨询 【投行人在职场】 draz 2013-1-15 0 / 23895 draz 2013-1-15 04:31
FRM part 1 core reading:21.stress testing ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 7 【FRM考试资料共享下载】 tycoon 2010-3-14 69 / 31845 pingsheng719 2012-11-16 16:59
F8 Top Tips in December 2008 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 13 【ACCA 资料共享下载】 gzls 2008-11-15 129 / 39127 gszzyjs 2012-10-30 16:26
Reading 12: Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression Analy Quantitative Methods 土豆妮 2011-3-3 7 / 26919 bun789 2012-6-1 11:53
FRM part 1 core reading:28.principles for sound stress testing practices and ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 【FRM考试资料共享下载】 tycoon 2010-3-14 59 / 32181 yuen 2012-1-23 02:14
[2008]Topic 34: Stress Testing相关习题 【ACCA 答疑解惑】 Baran 2009-6-30 8 / 25189 shlb1944 2011-12-24 08:32
Questions from Quant ?? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 ramdabom 2011-9-23 4 / 23826 maratikus 2011-9-23 08:14
Edinburgh Exam in June - where exactly? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 dotamasta 2011-9-23 3 / 25747 adehbone 2011-9-23 05:19
Edinburgh Exam in June - where exactly? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Beatnik 2011-9-12 3 / 24205 chandsingh 2011-9-12 05:38
Questions from Quant ?? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 LokiDog2 2011-9-12 4 / 23817 canadiananalyst 2011-9-12 04:00
Reading 11: Hypothesis Testing - LOS b, (Part 2) ~ Q1-3 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 8 Quantitative mayanfang1 2009-1-13 79 / 35744 shing1314 2011-8-19 18:30
Reading 11: Hypothesis Testing - LOS a, (Part 1) ~ Q6-9 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 8 Quantitative mayanfang1 2009-1-13 71 / 36250 shing1314 2011-8-19 17:12
Where should i take the test? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Bulla564 2011-8-15 2 / 23583 HuskyGrad2010 2011-8-15 02:37
Where should i take the test? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 TheMBAGlover 2011-8-3 2 / 23511 economicz 2011-8-3 03:29
Stress testing vs. Scenerio analysis ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 ASSet_MANagemen 2011-7-13 11 / 24807 skycfa 2011-7-13 17:16
Risk Analyst job opening 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Iginla2010 2011-7-13 1 / 23254 skycfa 2011-7-13 17:06
level of significance in practice - hypothesis testing 【CFA学习交流讨论】 cmacedo 2011-7-13 1 / 23716 Kiakaha 2011-7-13 16:37
Studying for Level 3 ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 pawn 2011-7-13 13 / 24537 bodhisattva 2011-7-13 16:24
Hypothesis Testing.... 【CFA学习交流讨论】 slackeranalyst 2011-7-13 4 / 23668 kamara5 2011-7-13 16:13
Testing for Seasonality 【CFA学习交流讨论】 mkytz15 2011-7-13 6 / 23594 BelalM 2011-7-13 16:11
Mock test formation 【CFA学习交流讨论】 EastCoastJ 2011-7-13 2 / 23430 mnieman 2011-7-13 15:40
Hypothesis Testing and the exam 【CFA学习交流讨论】 SWASH 2011-7-13 1 / 23383 JoeyDVivre 2011-7-13 15:10
Top 3 Worst Chapters - your thoughts? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 toocfatoo 2011-7-13 9 / 24055 Finalnub 2011-7-13 13:47
CFA Level I Advice 【CFA学习交流讨论】 scruge 2011-7-13 3 / 23435 dotamasta 2011-7-13 13:32
which concept is this question testing? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 SkipE99 2011-7-13 1 / 23488 flyinggirl 2011-7-13 13:12
Schweser Book 2 Exam 2pm 【CFA学习交流讨论】 dreampak 2011-7-12 0 / 23413 dreampak 2011-7-12 19:26
testing advice 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Jupiter 2011-7-11 7 / 23519 jim8z3 2011-7-11 20:03
may I leave the exam early? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Bad5shah 2011-7-11 1 / 23400 evolsteevol 2011-7-11 19:52
can we bring bags and check bags into somewhere at the test center? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 busprof 2011-7-11 1 / 23473 ramzes 2011-7-11 19:52
can I bring a BAG to the test? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 nixie24 2011-7-11 2 / 23432 Maddin 2011-7-11 19:52
Topics You're Banking on Not Being On Exam ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 burning0spear 2011-7-11 16 / 24825 kmf229 2011-7-11 19:51
Without referring to your notes (quant)...... ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 parott 2011-7-11 15 / 24873 comp_sci_kid 2011-7-11 19:31
Stress Testing , Risk Management,Maybe already discussed 【CFA学习交流讨论】 LPoulin133 2011-7-11 2 / 23380 thommo77 2011-7-11 19:25
Which formulas do we need to know for hypothesis testing? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 gjcxc 2011-7-11 4 / 24011 RobertA 2011-7-11 18:37
Hypothesis testing--is chi square important 【CFA学习交流讨论】 whaler 2011-7-11 2 / 23538 suyash1989 2011-7-11 18:35
SF Testing Location 【CFA学习交流讨论】 TheMBAGlover 2011-7-11 1 / 23456 marsilni 2011-7-11 18:33
Best Advice for Level I 【CFA学习交流讨论】 prashantsahni 2011-7-11 6 / 23629 hariRaj 2011-7-11 18:33
Boston Society Feedback 【CFA学习交流讨论】 whaler 2011-7-11 2 / 23416 studyn 2011-7-11 17:46
Remembering Formulas ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 clearlycanadian 2011-7-11 10 / 24616 rkapoor 2011-7-11 17:30