上一主题:Which Topics for CFAI or Schweser?
下一主题:How was your Quantitative section score?
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Lol. thanks for the encouragement. it was just really bothering me and i was debating whether this . i come from a mathematical background so everything is interconnected and every detail matters. The smallest detail can prove or disprove a powerful theorem, tool, or argument. I've improved though on letting these things slide for the exam since it is impractical to learn everything for this exam.

However, regarding detail, i would recommend that you read every question very carefully on the exam because i have gotten questions wrong because of not understanding every detail in the question.

Thanks everyone though for your responses, I appreciate it.

saulherman Wrote:
> if your worried about this your probably going to
> fail


上一主题:Which Topics for CFAI or Schweser?
下一主题:How was your Quantitative section score?