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Ethics - L2 v L1

Is there a big difference between the reading material for ethics in level 2 versus level 1? I ask because the Standards of Practice are pretty much the same. Is it worthwhile to read the study sessions in Schweser or better to just go ahead and practice questions?

Outlining helps… and the CFAI questions/Cases are good. It helps to get their take on things (as opposed to your own/schweser).
Ethics blows… but its totally doable and easy points. I’m pretty confident that my high score in ethics is the only thing that made me pass L1… Which is funny, because i’ve been told several times that i’m not the most ethical person haha


I wouldn’t take this section too lightly, not only is a make or break you section if you’re borderline, it’s relatively easy points. I rather have this over some of the derivative calcs!


What I learned on my first ethics read is that if “Consult a Lawyer” is one of the options, pick that one.


Dreading Ethics….there are always two answers.


there’s the addition of soft dollar standards, research objectivity standards, and a couple of case studies. take it fwiw.


上一主题:Can anyone remember what the last 4 questions are aasking ab
下一主题:ETHICS: Gifts and additional Compensation Arrangements